

released on Oct 27, 2022


released on Oct 27, 2022

Saturnalia is a survival-horror adventure inspired and heavily influenced by the folklore of Sardinia, Italy, a region rich with unique traditions and culture. You play as four characters, experiencing a deeply connected storyline that ties back to the haunting traditions of this ancient village. The village itself is an elaborate maze with no two iterations being precisely the same - you will have to explore and solve the mysteries of the game largely unguided. Die, and watch the village reconfigure itself into a new form. Solve puzzles and open shortcuts to new areas with tools and items you find along the way, unlocking every piece of the story with different characters, each suited for another aspect of exploration and investigation. With a limited supply of matches to light your way and darkness encroaching, can you find your way through the fog to reveal the truth? Or will you be engulfed by the secrets this town doesn’t want you to know?

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El low frame rate le da el toque

Very specific thing
But interesting

This game is fascinating. It's frustrating and clunky, and I inevitably will give up and probably not finish the game. However, what this game does is both unique and really awesome. The detective aspect mixes well with the feeling of being hunted. The four different characters each add their own spice to exploration, and the consumables usually make sense. Although the town shuffling aspect is frustrating, I feel like it is an adequate punishment for your failure. However, I don't know if I have the strength to see this to the end, especially when it feels like all my progress has been set back.


Brilliant visual references to giallo movies and horror comics. Brilliant soundtrack. Quite repetitive gameplay dotted with interesting elements here and there. Nothing special for what concerns its folk horror narrative and themes.

Поймал себя на мысли, что во первых без русика тяжко, а во вторых ну как же похуй бля… хуй пойми что делать, бегаешь дрочишь, переключаешь персонажей итп. Неудивительно что игра собрала награды и не выстрелила. После долгого перерыва вернувшись сюда я просто ахуел. Я не помню ее совсем. Просто неинтересно. Ну по крайней мере мне 4/10 графен интересный, без русификатора делать особо нечего, да и не хочется.

either way overscoped or just the result of boring design decisions. everything happens in text/the clue screen divorced from running around and getting lost. Shouldve been a point and click...