Tecmo Super NBA Basketball

Tecmo Super NBA Basketball

released on Jul 01, 1994

Tecmo Super NBA Basketball

released on Jul 01, 1994

Tecmo Super NBA features real teams (all 27 contemporary teams) and a roster of real players (over 320). One or two players can compete in regular, reduced, or short seasons, or play an exhibition game. Though primarily horizontal scrolling, digitized speech and cinemas, along with a free throw point of view, add drama to the proceedings. Besides the expected elements of basketball (substitutions, penalties, steals and blocks, time-outs, overtime), Super NBA gives you the chance to call offensive plays and to program win/loss records. Has a battery to back-up season play.

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This is my favorite straight basketball game, not because it is necessarily the most accurate or the most involved, but because it is so damned goofy.

The game claims to house all of the contemporary teams and real players, but due to the limited space there's a lot of cheating going on with character sprite repetition. As a result, "Michael Jordan" has a fro in this game. It's glorious.

The animations are hilarious, too. The free throw involves the player jumping off the ground like he's doing an intense last-minute 3-pointer from across the court. And the falling animations are absolute gold. The players fly about ten feet in the air and land on their asses, feet pointed straight up at the sky. I doubled over laughing at all this stuff when the game was new.

If a player gets super injured and has to be carried off the court, the same peppy background music still plays. It's pretty wild seeing a guy carried off on a stretcher with his teammates turning their heads down in worry, all while the music accompanying it blaring away with its incessant "da, da, da, da, DAH DAH!"

And let's not forget the referee, who sounds like Kermit the Frog. "Foul! Pushing!"

Anyway. It's a busted game, but I love it to death. It's second only to NBA Hangtime, which is the best arcade basketball game bar none. But as far as "realistic" NBA games go, this gives me hours of entertainment just by me running around and pushing the players to watch the ridiculous animation and hear the ridiculous voices and music.

The only sports game I've ever played in my life. When I was a kid I fundamentally misunderstood the idea of plays and I would just run up to the next hoop and try to jump up and swat it away whenever the other team tried to shoot. I won and lost games about half even. The only injuries any of the players would ever sustain were groin pulls. What's the deal with these guys' groins? The game is probably fine when you aren't a drooling flabby idiot like I am. This whole genre just isn't for me, just like how pretty much any sport isn't for me either.

The soundtrack also eerily sounds like John Tesh, and I simply choose to believe that John Tesh secretly composed the music for this game too and I refuse to care enough about it to research it.