The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret of the Unicorn

The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret of the Unicorn

released on Oct 21, 2011

The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret of the Unicorn

released on Oct 21, 2011

While the movie taps into the nostalgia vein of Hergé's original comic strip, the game feeds from the memory of traditional platformers. Platforming is the beating heart of Ubisoft's crisp, charming riff on Spielberg's recent film. The subtlety and nuance of the cast's movements, from daring leaps to nose-smashing right-hooks, is an artistic delight that keeps the sidescrolling action consistently engaging, even if it does turn out to have more ideas than its slender runtime can cope with.

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played this with my mum on her iPad.
We were both ass.

A shockingly extremely solid tie-in game. It was a childhood favorite for quite a good reason. The gameplay is honestly extremely fun if completely mindless.
The main thing that fascinates me about this game is how little it has to do with the actual movie it's based on. They completely changed Haddock from a washed-up drunk, to a sober whiny guy. The more funny part is that they completely fucking wrote out the main villain for no fucking reason. His past version appears, but the actual guy just couldn't be bothered to show up. Why???

Mon premier jeu, je ne peu pas etre objectif lol

I have a weird amount of nostalgia for this, especially as I didn’t see the film until after and don’t have much of an opinion on tintin himself.
It’s simple, but fun, and doesn’t overstay its welcome