The Ren & Stimpy Show: Buckeroo$!

The Ren & Stimpy Show: Buckeroo$!

released on Nov 01, 1993

The Ren & Stimpy Show: Buckeroo$!

released on Nov 01, 1993

Oh, hi kids! I'm so excited about my new invention - the Gametron 5000 Moneymaker. It pays you money for playing video games - the more you play, the more you make. The first game is... let's see... Robin Hoek of Logwood Forest, where Robin robs from the rich, gives to the poor, and rescues the bea-u-ti-ful Maid Moron from atop yon castle... The next game is Out West, where Three-Fingered Hoek and his faithful sidesaddle, Stimpy the Kid (that's me!) make their way through a dangerous frontier town to find Mr. Horse and... uh... borrow him. And that's not it - heavens, no! The final game is Space Madness. Oh my, Space Commander Hoek has come down with Space Madness, and his spaceship is going to smash into the Earth! Luckily brave Space Cadet Stimpy (that's me again!) is there to save the whole planet! Oh Reeennnn... are you ready to make oodles of money? Money? Don't just stand there, man! Let's get playing!

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Buckaroos! is a classic example of a bad licensed game. The controls are nightmarishly clunky, levels are frustratingly designed, and it's hard in a way that just feels unfair. It captures the weird Ren & Stimpy humor at times, but the gameplay is a painful mess. Only recommended for hardcore retro gaming masochists or diehard Ren & Stimpy fans who want to suffer.

Lets get things straight, Ren & Stimpy Fire Dogs is a far worse game than Buckaroos when it comes to the actual gameplay but I absolutely despise Buckaroos.

The game is an okay platformer and I would enjoy the game more if it weren't for the fact that the fucking meatbag that they hired to compose the music threw a horrible 15 second loop of Happy Happy Joy Joy all over the medieval stages. For the first thirty seconds it's fine, but afterwards you can feel your fucking brain cell count lowering and eventually you'll be putting the game on mute afraid for your sanity.

God, fuck that music.

What a hateful game, especially when it gets to the Robin Hoek stage