Turnip Boy Robs a Bank

Turnip Boy Robs a Bank

released on Jan 18, 2024

Turnip Boy Robs a Bank

released on Jan 18, 2024

Turnip Boy is back! This time he’s teaming up with the fearsome Pickled Gang to plan and execute the weirdest heist of all time. Shake down hostages, steal precious valuables, battle the fuzz, and use wacky tools bought off the dark web to move further into the vaults of the Botanical Bank.

Also in series

Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion
Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion

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cute little game with a wonderful sense of humor! gameplay loop was fun, story was alright but i was just happy to be along for the ride. weapons upgrade system was a little annoying but it was fine. 100%ed btw

Good and lightning quick gameplay loop, great writing and in world sense of humor and characters. The action is incredibly average and the movement is pretty loose. A disappointing retread of previous bosses and areas for the final sequence and boss.

I don't know what happened here. This game did pretty well on the humor department, that being its main atractive. But the gameplay feels really rough, almost like if it wasn't playtested. Which is wierd because you'd expect them to improve from the previous one.
It is worth to play cause it's funny and it can easily make you crack a laugh or two, but damn the gameplay got annoying from time to time.

After the first turnip boy game I expected much from the sequel, but it went in a very different direction. The roguelite setup makes for much less interesting interaction with the NPCs, repeated bossfights are kind of annoying and the weapons aren't nearly as interesting as in Enter the Gungeon (which they clearly took some notes from).

This review contains spoilers

Another great entry in this series starting with the tax evasion one.

Pretty much same fun and quirky dialogue and funny story telling as last game. The gameplay in the first one was clearly zelda inspired with puzzles while this one seems more combat focused and has a bit of roguelite inspiration with the randomization each time you enter the bank. I personally would have liked having a mix of the 2 as the combat alone made the game a bit repetetive but it was definitely more fun to fight stuff in this one.
Also the game still feels way to short.
Spoilers for the ending:
It only has like 4 bosses that it repeats at the end, which was kinda lame. AND then it repeats it again kinda where you have to go back to those 4 places A THIRD TIME while getting chased by ♥♥♥♥ and the screen being cluttered by enemies and the "final boss" even though you dont fight it. Was not a fan of the ending.

Also not a fan of a forced death moment where you just die randomly to something you are told to do.

Will say i recommend though if you liked the first one 👍 Also the music is just banger after banger!

The direct sequel of "Turnip Boy Commits Taxs Evasion".

The gameplay is really different but the game is insane.

The last boss is also pretty difficult.