Universal Paperclips

Universal Paperclips

released on Oct 09, 2017

Universal Paperclips

released on Oct 09, 2017

Universal Paperclips is a browser game were the player takes on the role of an AI tasked with creating paperclips.

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Es juego gratuito de navegador y es como el cookie clicker, solo que no es una puta mierda de juego y te lo puedes pasar en 1 o 2 tardes
Engancha un montón y el desarrollo y cómo escala es buenísimo

Si os lo jugáis pulsad el botón Reject al final del juego si queréis el final verdadero, cuidado con el otro botón por vuestra madre

What a good game.
I didn't imagine an idle game would be able to actually tell an interesting and meaningful story through it's gameplay alone.
It will take just a few hours of game to reach the ending, and I think that just doesn't detract at all on the game.

It's important to play an idler to better understand how our brains work.

I suppose I enjoy it a little, but frankly it just made me want to see an idler with choices that have consequences so I could test my ability to optimize output against a potential failstate... and I've just described an actual game, which this isn't.

no disrespect to cookie clicker but it wishes it had this progression

(total slot time: i got no fucking idea)

There isn't much to say about Universal Paperclips due to the nature of it (being an idle game), but I can say for sure I had fun. Obviously, I didn't get as much out of it like I would have gotten out of an actual game, but the music used (Riversong by Tonto's Expanding Head Band) goes FOOLISH and the mini-story told through the game is at least somewhat interesting. Otherwise, there isn't much to review.