London, 1918. You are newly-turned Vampyr Dr. Jonathan Reid. As a doctor, you must find a cure to save the city’s flu-ravaged citizens. As a Vampyr, you are cursed to feed on those you vowed to heal. Will you embrace the monster within? Survive and fight against Vampyr hunters, undead skals, and other supernatural creatures. Use your unholy powers to manipulate and delve into the lives of those around you, to decide who will be your next victim. Struggle to live with your decisions… your actions will save or doom London.

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Несмотря на антихайп игры, она вышла очень атмосферной и интересной, очень отдаленно напоминая механики Мора. У меня вышел самый лучший финал, несмотря на то, что именно к такому варианту я специально не шла. Если исключить нудную боевку, игра становится действительно увлекательной! Надо бы еще разок пройти!

um jogo que me surpreendeu. bem divertido, combate satisfatório, trilha sonora boa e história interessante. gostei muito do fato de que você pode mudar o rumo da história sendo um vampiro bom ou mal, seja matando os npcs para ganhar xp, assim facilitando a gameplay ou curando e salvando os personagens para livrar o distrito e criar relações com os mesmos. percebi alguns problemas técnicos aqui e ali mas nada de que vale a pena ser comentado.

It's a pretty fun game. The huge draw for me was the excellent soundtrack, voice acting, the fact that personally I really enjoy vampire media, and most of all its morality system. I thought framing the two way morality system as being Human or Vampire instead of being Good or Bad was interesting and you're very punished for taking the human route which I felt was compelling.

great story, but the final act feels rushed (and even to the point the relationship on it feels extremely forced and makes you feel better with THAT gay ship)

Really interesting story, decent game play