You're Going to Make a Great Mother One Day

You're Going to Make a Great Mother One Day

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You're Going to Make a Great Mother One Day

releases on TBD

"You're going to make a great mother one day," they say to you. A reproductive horror Twine story that features one ending with a bit of interactivity; about a 10-15 minute read.

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I've played many, many Twine games. Despite being a short little Twine project, this is probably one of the most impactful games I have ever played. It deals with heavy topics, so note the content warnings, but you should go play this game, it is free and very short to complete. I almost feel torn recommending this game, despite how incredible it is, because it feels a bit like inviting you to glimpse into my most private thoughts. Playing it felt too personal, like reaching into my guts and fucking around in there with all my worst fears and traumas. The writing is beautiful and horrifying. Absolutely psychologically devastating, 10/10.

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