Reviews from

in the past

Meh, un platino gratis en steam pero fue una experiencia más febril que otra cosa. El dibujo de fondo es muy bueno.

A frog game about finding frogs in image full of frogs. Cool frog game overall.

another nice hidden cat game.. except holy fuck it's turtles?????
shortest one of these i've played so far, only 6 minutes to get all achievements.
art is nice though, and music is good as well.
it's free and short so go ahead

Fun little game to kill a bit of time with.

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I found them all.

Very nice art, but I wish there was some kind of reward at the end.

[7 minutos]
Não sei dizer se foi um dos primeiros jogos dessa empresa, mas nesse jogo de busca eu simplesmente achei super fácil (ou eu estava afiado no dia, não sei rsrsr). Não me surpreendeu muito para tirar um tempinho e relaxar, basicamente quase não senti nada jogando o mesmo.

Free-to-play game with lots of cute froggies!