Reviews from

in the past

Loved this one as a kid. Still can't land a 1080

Played this because it came with the N64 I just ordered and I don't have anything else to play on it yet. Its not that great.

I'm probably very biased because the most snowboarding knowledge I have is all from SSX 3 but as far as I know this game is pretty realistic for 1998, and would have been a fun time for snowboarding fans at the time...but for someone who just wanted a fun game and not an aged snowboarding sim I'd say look for other games (like SSX 3, that games cool as hell)

This game may be where arthritis started for most millennials. Combined with Killer Instinct, it's a wonder any of us can even use our hands anymore.

I can file this alongside the likes of Street Fighter, NBA 2K, and most racing games, as titles that I really enjoy, but completely suck at. I have played this prior to its recent release on the NSO N64 app, however it was only borrowed off a friend, way back when the system was current gen. I thought I owned this, but somehow I got it mixed up with Snowboard Kids.

But since its release on the switch, I have been having a real blast with this. I've only managed to complete the easy mode so far, and I'm fucking awful at tricks. I'm lucky if I land a normal jump, let alone a 720° stiffy to nose grab to melon. I'm utterly abysmal. Yet I'm still having a hoot.

It's as much the look and sound of the game that's keeping me invested. For something pushing 30, it looks great, has a cracking soundtrack and astonishes me with just how well it plays. Despite me having zero nostalgia for this title specifically, it takes me back to being 14 year old me, sat playing Cool Boarders on my PlayStation, thinking this is one of the best sports to ever be made into a videogame. One day I'll get it, and I might end up bumping this up to 5 stars.

Gotta say, this recent drop of N64 games on switch is probably the best one since the app launched. I'm still playing all 3 games.

Super fun even when it’s painfully hard! Take it as a “crazy snowboarding gran turismo” experience.

hey i like this one :) really atmospheric and definitely has its own personality and style, such a 90's ass game. the gameplay's a little rough around the edges, and ill admit that i like the way 1080 avalanche smooths out the gameplay a little more, but damn you just ain't getting the same vibe with that game. 1080 snowboarding was made in an era where lots of games had this really chill vibe to them, and i think this mostly shows in its environments and soundtrack. it really leans into the DnB with a lot of tracks, although it definitely dips its toes into stuff like grunge and dance, with songs like Vacant Lives and Work Your Body. anyways i dont remember the point i was trying to make i like akari hayami that's pretty much all you need to know

I liked this even more than Wave Race 64 and am MORE nervous to try again on NSO Virtual Console.

One of N64's best titles. At its time it was the best snowboarding game by far. Fantastic visuals and great gameplay with different kinds of snow density. Certified classic.

rage quit this like thirteen years ago because Expert is/was cruel as hell with massive slowdown and no room for error but playing it at a clean, consistent 60 FPS on makes the game's svelte, hot design shine bright. One of the best racers on a system full of them.

I'm fond of the nostalgic crispy graphics even by never playing this until now. And on an actual real N64, of all things. For then seeing it released on NSO. Oh well, great enough.

As a racing snowboard game it's pretty nice. It's tough and challenging still.