Reviews from

in the past

apesar dos visuais bonitos e músicas fodas, a história se perde MUITO do meio pro final em um nível estratosférico e as perseguições são ridículas de difíceis (a maioria), sinto q podia ter sido melhor executado.

the father was actually mad

Played this in middle school and it's been my favorite horror game since.

One of the more mid games from the golden age of rpgmaker horror, it is still worth a playthrough regardless.

Has a slow start but gets better and better as it goes on

played it w/ my big sister :) (miss the good ol' days)

dad is mad because he's mad. cool

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lo jugue con 12 no recuerdo nada lollllll

I saw pewdiepie play this game when I was a kid.

Kind of fun to have actually played this.

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Foi um jogo interessante e os puzzles foram até bem intuitivos (tirando uns q me deram raiva). A história foi construída praticamente toda de uma vez no final e acho que tinha um potencial bom pra ela se não fosse os personagens e o próprio jogo querer que você perdoe o pai mesmo depois de ele ser um tremendo filho da puta nojento e matar centenas de pessoas com experimentos, e a própria Aya age assim o tempo todo e até a própria mãe que foi literalmente assassinada por ele. Outra coisa que me incomoda muito foi o jogo constantemente desviar a culpa das ações do pai ou culpar a Maria por ele ter traído a mãe da Aya, e isso pra mim foi absolutamente ridículo.
Fora isso, a ideia dele transformar a própria filha e várias pessoas em bonecas eu achei bem interessante e o final verdadeiro foi até legal. Aliás os visuais e a trilha sonora são muito bons.

I like it a lot i like aya i like her mum i like the art style i like the puzzles there's just a lot to like

just as good as i remember.....the remake is even better!

Fue de los primeros juegos rpg que jugué y me encantó

As a fan of creepy pastas and the sort when I was young (and to this day), I stumbled across this game. I must've been around 10-13 when I played this game, but it immediately hooked me then. I actually named my first white rabbit snowball after Aya's rabbit. It retrospect, compared to other rpg maker games it probably isn't the creme de la creme, but this game had a significant impact on me, finding it scary albeit being like 10.

I do feel this would be a good one to replay as I played this like maybe 10-11 years ago and haven't really thought about it much since but it was very good from what I remember.


i couldnt get past the chase scene for so so so long

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classico meu pau, so uma historia bosta de vitima virando abusador

idk what y'all on this is my CHILDHOOD

Pues no está mal. Sorprende un poco.

A very interesting plot, i liked the doll concept, it reminded me of how much my girlfriend likes dolls. It has good horror, some jumpscares almost gave me a heart attack, its vibe is unsettling, creating a nice spooky atmosphere for the horror lovers. I wont talk about the voice acting though it was terrible, very My Hero Academia voice thirst traps coded, 0/10 on that... THE SONG AND THE ''AAAAYYAAAA¬'' asmr and great plot twist at the end.

It deserves three stars just for being a RPG-Maker horror game; but the other two are because everything is perfect, the plot(twist), the characters, the whole story! The first time I played this game was is 2020 but it's always a pleasure to replay it, I may say I love it.

uns dos meus primeiros rpg maker, saudades quando todo mundo era viciado nisso