Reviews from

in the past

I can confirm there were 100 Asian Cats

Short hidden object game with cute cats, repetitive music (the same song plays all the time), nice difficulty. However, the 90 cent extra content was WAY too easy and had no achievements. The main appeal is definitely the drawing used, its both pretty nice looking and is able to blend in the 100 cats pretty nicely.

Me desculpem mas... a fofura desse não vai retirar minha analise negativa!!
a maioria dos gatos é o mesmo desenho esse eu achei o jogo bem preguiçoso!! é uma pena sabe!
a graça desses tipo de jogo é pq os gatos se disfarçam com o cenário e ate se parecem com os objetos dos lugares por isso que é tão divertido de encontra-los! mas esse não!! esse os gatos se repetem e muiiito muito mesmo sabe! não é muito divertido ver os gatos com os desenhos repetitivos :C a arte do cenário é lindíssima mas a graça do jogo ficou de lado!

Even for the genre " i made something in MS Paint and now i charge too much for a 1 hour doodle" this game fails. Yes it is free, but the DLC surely not. No consitency in how the target looks, its mostly cats but sometimes just vague shapes. Dont get it even when its free, your time is worth more.

puedo hacer uno igual en unity en una tarde

This is a free hidden object game very similar in style to hidden folks. Unfortunately it's got one map, a 10 second stock music loop in the background, and is a cheevo game where you get a new ding for every single cat. Took me like 10 minutes to beat. It's free and the art is cute so give it a go if you don't care about your achievement ratings I guess. Just made me wish hidden folks was back