Reviews from

in the past

من زمان وانا خاطري اجربها واكملها، اذكر لعبتها في صالة بلايستيشن وكانت وحدة من اروع البدايات، والان بعد تجربتها كاملة، اقدر بالراحة انها من افضل بدايات في اي لعبة لعبتها.. ولكنها ليست افضل الالعاب اللي لعبتها
اللي خلا البداية عظيمة، هي اخراجها بكشل عام، لما تموت يظهر اسم الجندي، تعطيك لمحة عن اللعبة، واهم تعطيك هالة اللعبة من الحرب وثيمها. وهذا بالفعل افضل شيء فيها، الحرب هنا مجسد بطريقة ممتازة، المعارك والاسلحة والموسيقى والاصوات كلها عظيمة، شعورك وانت تلعب عظيم، تاخذ شكل بداية فلم سيفينج براين لسبلبيرغ، وهي بداية بدون توضيح اي شيء، هي بداية من المعركة نفسها، وبهذا الشكمل قدر يدخلني مع الحرب وحالة الجندي داخل الحرب نفسها. لكنها للاسف تفشل في جوانب كثيرة، واولهم القصة الكليشيه، قصة جندي اعتيادية جدا، رغم ان ثيمة اوهال الحرب وتأثيرها على الجندي احبها جدا، لكن هذا بالنسبة لي لم يكن مشكلة كبيرة، لان الاجواء نفسها تغطي عليها، رغم فقد ميزة التأثير اللي تتركه القصة، المشكلة الاكبر هي الغباء الاصطناعي، يخربيت ابو الغباء، لعبة مرات تتطلبك تسلل، انا كنت اعمل عكس ذلك، على الاقل الشوتر والقتال ممتع، بس مع هذا يظل الاعداء اغبياء، وهذا الشيء يحزني لان انظمة الشوتر رائعة جدا
عموما تجربة رائع مجملا، اعيد واكرر هي وحدة من افضل الالعاب اللي تدخلك في اجواء الحرب

Still the best Battlefield game

Yeah war is hell or whatever but have you seen the uniforms in this game? Shit looks badass. The main problem with modern warfare is that military uniforms don't look cool anymore

holy peak one of the best multiplayer experiences ever for an FPS

essa foi a guerra para acabar com tds as guerra e spoiler n acabou

Con diferencia la mejor experiencia de shooter multijugador de la HISTORIA

Probably the best full package when it comes to battlefield and while I think 4 edges it out slightly, this game truly shows what DICE can do if EA stops putting their foot on their neck

I hope they make a better battlefield than this. Because this game was awesome so a game better than this would be even more awesome.

Melhor ambientação que já vi. Pqp!!!!

Por viciar esta wea casi quedo pegao en tercero medio

Eu joguei só o modo campanha pois não gosto do online, histórias muito interessantes, gameplay fuida e gráficos muito bons, o jogo te prende na gameplay e pode ser zerado em somente um dia, o que também é um problema pra quem gosta somente do modo história pois é um jogo MUITO curto, é possível terminar ele em 6h, e esse é o motivo da minha nota não ser 5 estrelas, entendo que o propósito é o online, mas já que queriam um modo campanha poderiam ter feito melhor

Don't let DICE count ever again

El modo campaña impresioannte, y el multijugador muy bueno. Recomendado.

Best of the battlefields. Pretty good run n gun that still focuses on the immersion of a completely scattered battle. Gets boring and way too gimmicky after a while tho.

Played through the campaign. I really appreciated the unique WWI setting, and the changes that brought to Battlefield. The weapons were slow, clunky, and different than stuff I'd played a million times before. I also really liked that you got to play as different people as you moved from conflict to conflict, and the Bi-Planes were really fun. It loses some points in that the campaign is very short, but at the same time I was pretty much done with it by the time it was over. Give it a try for some quick WWI action.

Only played the campaign, which I digged.

This game made a big impact on my life; it sparked my interest in history, especially from the Victorian Era to WWI. The campaign, though short, is touching, and the multiplayer manages to meet today's standards.

Each chapter of the campaign is good, with interesting characters providing a more human perspective on the suffering and hope that characterized the "War to end all wars". It's a great tribute to WWI soldiers;

The multiplayer is pretty fun, with my favorite game mode being Operations. I love hearing the soldiers talk about the map in the introduction and pushing through different sections and maps during the match;

The variety of guns is awesome. I've used all presets available to try to be historically accurate to the country I am playing with. Many of the guns in this game I didn't even know existed;

All maps are beautiful, and the graphics of this game are still on par with modern games. Unfortunately, it's rare to find servers (on PS4) that use the DLC maps;

The only reason this game isn't perfect is because of balancing issues. The Hellriegel 1915, M1917 MG, and SMG 08/18 really need to be nerfed. But besides that, it's a really enjoyable game, my favorite FPS.

For those who are interested in the First World War, the campaign, although it was short, is solid. I appreciate the gameplay.

A beleza da guerra no conforto da sua casa!

This is probably the best Battlefield. The original trailer was so hype.

Bem divertido, talvez eu volte a jogar depois

Parecía que sería buen juego y solo siguió el declive de la saga

quelle dommage que le gameplay/gunplay n'est pas suivi

The first mission styl of game should of been the entire game. Why wasn't there any World War 1 western front battles in your WW1 game? The Multi player is probably the best in the series.
If you care about historically accuracy , stay away. But still soild.