Reviews from

in the past

Como disse no primeiro post do primeiro jogo, são meus xodós do 360, amo muito todos e adorava jogar como Big Daddy quando criança, esse jogo é excelente, uma pena alguns não gostarem dele!

Jogo legal, mas muito fácil o que deixou um gosto ruim em relação ao primeiro onde você sente a progressão, aqui isso é um pouco apagado justamente por ser fácil desde do começo

Я думал, хоть вторую пройду до конца. Но бесконечные краши в игре без автосейфов? Иди на хер, Биошок 2! Я лицуху нафига покупал тогда?
Могу только за дизайн респект отдать. Что первая, что вторая, бомба. Но геймплей... Накидать столько классных механик, но сделать это настолько неудобно...
Infinity не подведи

5 "ой, с поездом опять какая-та херня случилась, иди почини" из 10

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I definitely preferred the gameplay on this one as opposed to bioshock 1, As this is the part where we are finally able to dual wield and the hacking is much more easier compared to bioshock 1's pipe system. It definitely fixed the part where hacking is very tedious to do now that we also have a gun that we can use to shoot hacking darts from afar and hack devices from a cover, which was very helpful. As for the story it was alright I like how we are a big Daddy instead in this game to which is connected in the storyline and a glimpse from bioshock 1's lore where at a point in the game we learn that we were turned into a big Daddy by Andrew Ryan. As for the ending I got the good ending and rescued every little sister and all the 3 characters we can spare, not much to say honestly other than it makes me sad that Delta dies in any ending. Overall Bioshock 2 was a good experience it introduced newer stuff and connected some story points from Bioshock 1.

Esse jogo demorou um pouco até que eu começasse a realmente gostar; muito por conta da dificuldade que eu encontrei em algumas fases, parece que só jogavam inimigos até que eu não tivesse mais bala; e também porque não estava vendo muita diferença nos jogos. Ainda sinto que um potencial foi perdido, onde a gameplay poderia ter mais coisas diferentes, visto que você é um Big Daddy. Mas a metade final do jogo entrega muito bem, salvando o jogo com uma carga emocional e com cenas muito boas. O forte nesse jogo realmente é a história, não deixa de ser um bom jogo.

In comparison with the first one, Bioshock 2 plays much better, also i didn't encounter any bugs in the ps4 remaster.

A worthy sequel, and one I played just as much as the first game.

Fantastic game that improves a fair bit on the gameplay of the original while falling short narratively. You have to suspend your disbelief quite a bit to follow the story of this game and several of the levels are just wild goose chases for the one thing to get you to this other thing, etc. It's not bad by any means but not as cohesive as BioShock. That said, playing as a Big Daddy and having sections on the sea floor was pretty cool. The gameplay is improved in this one by having both plasmids and guns available simultaneously and the weapon selection here is awesome (a favorite being the rivet gun). Some new enemy types too make this one more challenging imo. Some of the environments of this game were more open than the original and I appreciate the new mix of locations. All told, a good game and a solid follow up if not quite as good narratively.

They let you play as the big dude with the drill easily superior than the first game 12/10

BioShock 2 is often considered to be the "black sheep" of the BioShock series, and after playing through the game myself... I can see why. That's not to say BioShock 2 is a bad game though, far from it, however, it's definitely the worst game in the series in my opinion.
While the story has some great ideas, the lack of interesting plot, weak antagonist and absence of plot twists ultimately make the fetch quests meaningless.
The gameplay, however, is still enjoyable, and the new weapons, tools, dual wielding and enemy types are all great. Unfortunately, it feels way too similar to the first game, almost as if the game is supposed to be a standalone expansion to the first game.
Also, Rapture doesn't have the same impact as in the first game, but at least it maintains the intriguing atmosphere and history behind it.

+ Good story ideas
+ Fun gameplay
+ Nice gameplay additions

- Underwhelming plot
- Fetch quests
- Clunky handling

Narrative: 4/10
Gameplay: 7/10
Content: ?/10
Characters: 5/10
Music: ?/10
Graphics/Audio: ?/10

Final Rating: 6.5/10
- Pretty Good -
BioShock 2 is so much of a faithful and direct sequel to the first game in every single way, to the point where it doesn't actually feel like a proper sequel; instead, it feels like a standalone expansion with the lenght of the first game.

Do I recommend it?:
Not really, unless you want to get deeper into the BioShock series.

Great game, it improved a lot of gameplay issues I had with the first game.

I have a daughter and a fuckin drill !

Played on Linux

Much of the same from Bioshock, but I found the gameplay to be a tad better. It's more of the same, but it's more focused, cause they used what clearly worked.

It's more Bioshock. Therefore more of my all time favorites.

I could go on in depth about what makes this a good game, but I will keep it simple. The week est part of the game is that 80% of the last area story wise is just reiterating what you already understand.

Finished in just over 13 hours. Definitely an adequate (if far grungier and less idealistic) successor to Bioshock.

Güzeldi, sadece çökme sorunu vardı.

Bioshock 2 has players return to Rapture, after the events of BioShock 1, in the form of a big daddy, subject Delta. The stage is very quickly set as we meet our new baddie Sofia Lamb, who is the mother of our little sister, Eleanor. Sofia takes Eleanor away from us and after 10 years have passed, sunject Delta sets out into Rapture once more to find her.

It was a delight to return to rapture and see some new environments and meet some more of the influential characters that shaped them. Though the story doesn't quite match its predecessor, it was still a fairly good time, though there were certain aspects of it that didn't make a lot of sense to me.

The gameplay takes what BioShock did and just refines it, making it feel a bit nicer and tightens the gunplay, which is good as there seems to be a bit more action in this game. It was cool to play as a big daddy and use the iconic drill, as well as buddy up with little sisters to gather adam throughout the game.
I feel like some of the objectives, especially early game, were just re-treading familiar water as the first game, with acquiring your first plasmids and the research camera.

Rapture was as enthralling as ever and is now even more decrepit than the first game as more time has passed. I liked to turn off the objective waypoint as it makes it much more immersive to navigate rapture using signs and the environment.

Bioshock 2 is definitely worth playing for fans of the first, even if it does fall a little short, but interesting characters and a better ending than the first game make it worth it.

O primeiro jogo me encheu de expectativas quanto a continuação, achei a proposta dar armas muito razoável, a história por outro lado não desanima nem um pouco

je préférais tuer les big daddy

Well designed successor to the original BioShock that improves on its gameplay elements in every way. It's, unfortunately, also a very poor remastering effort on PC with crashes galore.

Much like the first game, the story carries the game. The gameplay is a lot cleaner than the first, but still has moments of feeling tedious because of the repetitive mechanics.

I actually liked this game in terms of its refined gameplay and choice system especially with the ending. Lending the story about a Big Daddy protecting his little sister and making them the leads is interesting but the level of presentation and atmosphere of the first game is gone with this game which I miss.

BioShock 2 is pretty good and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. A shame they took out the survivor difficulty, since the game gives you that much freedom of choice this one is even easier than the first one (at the hardest difficulty with no vita chambers). Seriously, I walked around with two upgraded elite bots, insect swarm 3 as well incinerate 2 and I never ran out of ammo, not even the special ammo. The fun is in how fast or how well you can break the game

Improved gameplay from the first but lacking a little more in the story. Not enough to completely make the game bad, but it definitely has an effect. However gameplay alone should make this game worth playing, as it is a great time.