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Performans sorunları hariç tutulduğunda bile güzel bir oyun olmamış. CS1’i yüzlerce saat oynadım ama bu oyun hiç sarmıyor. SimCity kopyası olmaya çalışmış birsürü konuda ve bu da sorunları büyütmüş. Hiç sürükleyici değil overly-complex ve sıkıcı, hem görsel olarak hem de oynanış olarak. Yine DLC satmak için yapılmış bir oyun

The evolution from Cities Skylines to Cities Skylines II is in my opinion pretty similar to that of The Sims 3 to The Sims 4 or Crusader Kings 2 to Crusader Kings 3. It is a mostly incremental upgrade that serves to reset the base, creating an easier to approach game for newcomers that isn't bloated with 400 dollars worth of DLC.

Naturally this means that many features in the previous game are missing so that the developers can implement these features as DLC once again. That is not to say that there are no improvements in Cities Skylines II or that this is a bad game, just that a player coming from Cities Skylines 1 should not expect the wheel to be reinvented.

It is very much the same game just with a different flavor: more approachable, nicer looking, and primed for many upgrades. Anyone who has gone through multiple generations of The Sims 'upgrades' already understand exactly what is happening.

The game itself is still good though. Even at it's gimped (compared to Cities Skylines 1) state it competes as a top tier City Sim with many of the features you'd expect of such a game and most importantly, it's still fun. The main issue is of course the lackluster (to put it lightly) performance.

This game runs absolutely terribly and might just be one of the worst optimized games of this year. Though I've thankfully not run into any stutter issues, the game is far too demanding on hardware given the fidelity it's able to achieve.

The fact that Cyberpunk 2077 runs better with path tracing than this game does on ultra IN THE MENU is genuinely crazy to me. I personally opt to lower my graphics settings to low with heavy anti-aliasing and resign myself to enjoying 70fps.

I haven't played super long though so as for how performance scales with larger cities I don't yet know. Given the current performance issues though, I think we can make an accurate assumption.

My recommendation for now is to wait for patches to see how performance improves. If you really want to give the game a go either sail the seas or try it out on Game Pass (that's where I'm playing it right now). It's most definitely not worth the full asking price in its current state and as such I can't recommend it.


well. 9 hours went by in the blink of an eye. my husband kept checking on me to make sure i was .. still alive?

i'm not having any frame drop issues after the initial few minutes of the world loading, or zooming in really fast. i have a 4070, which i see a lot of steam users saying they still lag with. i never changed my graphics settings (other than turning off motion blur) & everything was kept on 'high' settings. i got it through xbox game pass (for $1 rn what the hellll?) & didn't have nearly as many performance issues as people make it seem through steam reviews.

the token system to unlock is really annoying. there's times where i'm just sitting on 3x speed & building the cims more low density residential, waiting for the xp to drop. building roads looks really ugly & i've had to fight with placing things for a long, long time. the new water & electricity was annoying at first, but i got used to it pretty easily. until a transformer was 'bottlenecking.' that took me a few minutes to figure out. upgrading buildings by clicking on them is really nice.

all in all, i still really enjoyed it. though, i think i do prefer 1 still. the new vanilla road settings are nothing compared to TMPE. if i'm enjoying it, i'll probably pick it up on steam for the workshop.. but knowing how many expansion packs they'll add.. i might just keep playing it on game pass.

Full video version:

Cities: Skylines 2 should not be released. It pains me to say as a big fan of the original game, but the sequel here is simply not in an acceptable state.

So basically, Paradox sent me a copy of the game - thanks to the for that by the way - and given how many hours I have poured into the original, I went into this one super excited. I booted up the game and was immediately met by a 5 fps main menu. Not 60, not 30, but just 5. I figured, okay, I’ll change some settings around to see what I can get to work. The devs sent me their recommended graphics settings, so I swapped to those and managed to get the main menu to roughly 70 fps.

This was great, until I hopped into the actual game and it wasn’t. After just an hour of gameplay, that 70 fps deteriorated all the way down to 30. After two hours, it was down to 15-20 with my population not even hitting 10,000 yet. I was playing at 1440p on a mix of mostly low and some medium settings. My system specs are above the recommended requirements, even after they were raised a few weeks ago (which was already a massive red flag to begin with).

The performance is just abysmal. I can see maybe 30 fps being fine, but the fact that the game frequently dips to half of that on almost the lowest settings is just unacceptable. It makes the experience feel slow, choppy, and frustrating. It’s not even like the game itself is bad. From what I have played, it has been a solid upgrade to what I loved about the first game. It’s just that those upgrades are marred by some of the worst performance I have seen from a PC release all year.

I’ve seen others concerned with the change of modding platforms - from Steam Workshop to Paradox’s own mod platform - but honestly, that doesn’t bother me so much. The performance is all that really matters at this point and I cannot in good faith give the game a proper review until it is optimized. That might take months. Maybe longer.

I cannot recommend Cities: Skylines 2. It’s almost unplayable in its current state and the fact that it is being released anyways is really just sad. The publisher knows the game isn’t ready and that really just rubs me the wrong way. Maybe good for business, but bad for the consumer and that is ultimately who I always will side with.

Game is fun, but the performance and lack of missing features compared to CS1 sucks. Will get better overtime but as of now it should've been delayed to next year.

My computer is having a heart attack.

Edited on November 6th, 2023:

After putting in about 8 hours I can say that the game is very okay. I enjoy a lot of things about it, like the new road placing system once I figured it out; the game looks much better than CS:1; and lots of QOL changes that make the game more streamlined and less time consuming.

However, there's also a lot I don't like about the game. It's selling point, the in-depth simulation, is flawed. Cims wander around aimlessly; they show up to work only to just leave once they get there and children don't actually go to school. Import and exporting is run in the background and is completely out of your control. It's cool to have Cims be more fleshed out but it seems so underutilized that I question why it's this "in-depth simulation" is ever here.

The game also feels very bare bones compared to CS:1due to it stripping a lot of the DLC content ala how The Sims handles it's expansion packs; keep it out of the game and re-sell it back to you. CS:2 is feeling very empty due to, still, no mod support. Colossal Order aren't giving me a lot of reasons to play CS:2 over CS:1; one has much more content is a lot cheaper to buy. Plus it's hard not to talk about how I still only get 20-30 FPS in CS:2. I know they're fixing it and it's not the worst performance, but damn does it hinder the experience a bit.

Overall, CS:2 is just not worth the buy...yet. Give it a couple years and I could see it being much better than CS:1 and the best city-building game on the market. However it just ain't there yet.