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They tried to do a Far Cry RPG. It's not too bad but I only like this game because he ends the Joseph story

Had a lot of fun with a friend

This game made me realize how stale Ubisoft games are. I came from Far Cry 5 seeing if I could stomach more of that game because I did enjoy it. But going through the story structure of this entry was excruciatingly uninteresting. 22 hours in, I don't think I can play more and finish it. I don't know. Maybe someday. But the urge to play it isn't there anymore.

If Far Cry 5 was the black sheep of the franchise, Far Cry New Dawn is the redheaded step-child. I've seen a lot of complaints about the changes New Dawn makes to the Far Cry formula, including the RPG elements sprinkled in. Here's an overview:

Some of the base gameplay systems have gotten an overhaul. Outposts can now be scavenged to allow enemies to take them back, which then allows you to attempt to retake them at a higher difficulty. Weapons now also have an explicit rank, indicating which corresponding enemy ranks they are effective against. For example, a level 3 AK-47 will shred through any level 3 or below enemies, but a level 2 AK will give you a harder time. I've seen some complaints about these RPG-ification elements, and while personally I dont mind, if you do care about them, it might be worth your time to think carefully about picking this game up.

Personally I think the changes are fine. Retaking the outposts can be annoying since you can't discern the alarm towers ahead of time, and Ethanol is probably too scarce, but I managed to get the most important upgrades before taking on the final bosses. There were only a couple times where I needed to go scavenge items to craft a weapon I felt I needed.

The story is a bit hit or miss. The antagonists aren't particularly charming, and I feel like the previous game presented the taunts from the antagonists better. It also feels like the 4 of Far Cry 5 are better fleshed out than personality and lore-wise than New Dawn's twins. I sincerely cannot tell the two apart.

Additionally, the game plays upon the assumptions you had from the previous game. You're sat there listening to the story and at some point are presented the following thesis: What if Joseph Seed was right all along? You already get a sense of that at the end of Far Cry 5, but here it really challenges your notion of wrong and right, and if the ends justify the means. What is God's plan, actually? Was it good to have mowed down Joseph's siblings in the previous game? Do the ends justify the means? There are interesting questions here, and no clear answers.

The environments are just as beautiful as before, with some pinks and purples sprinkled about to spice things up. Clearly the environment team worked hard on this version of Hope County, even if it feels like they stopped talking to the environment team for Far Cry 5 about halfway through development.

The Guns for Hire mechanic returns, although you can no longer have two at a time. The roster is well balanced, and I didn't feel like I wish I had a companion from Far Cry 5. I did however, have an issue with one of the missions to recruit a GFH.

One of the worst missions I've ever played has to be the mission to recruit Gina: "Mo' Mommies Mo' Problems". An absolute nightmare of RNG hoping that she and the AI enemies don't ram into random explosive barrels, failing the mission. Just awful, took me legitimately 20 tries to kill all the enemies before Gina's car randomly explodes. Including the time the mission bugged out after killing all the enemies and just soft locked itself. Very frustrating, but luckily this is optional, and the only mission I really had a problem with throughout the game.

Another thing to mention are the map changes. Not sure entirely, but the map feels smaller than in Far Cry 5. The outpost count is significantly reduced, and a good portion of the map (The North) goes unused except for in 2 missions. This is explained away in the story as the dam having burst during the collapse, flooding the surrounding lowlands. In addition to that, the area is covered in Bliss, making passage impossible except for a select few.

The music selection is... fine. Nothing too special, a couple oldie hits here and there, with some odd choices from the late 2010's added for good measure.

Overall the game is fine. It serves as a good followup to Far Cry 5, and thematically feels more like a less buggy Fallout game than it does a Far Cry game. Is it worth the face value of $40? Hard to say, I'm sure I've paid more for worse. Is it worth picking up on sale? If you're a fan of Far Cry, definitely. If you're disappointed with Fallout 76, this is a good post-apocalyptic alternative. For everyone else, I understand if you chose to skip this one, but I definitely think it's worth a playthrough. I powered through in only 17 hours and had fun, for the most part.

Played the prologue, gave it a pass.

Sisters are the worst villains in the franchise and the game is overly grindy (hard i guess) to make u try to spend real money. Final fight took 20 minutes of unloading clips into the twins heads.

oyun güzel silah, araba, skill, craft vs çeşitli ama hikayesi ve sunumunu beğenmedim ve gelişim craft olayı loopa giriyor belli bir süre sonra sıkıyor oyunun sonunu hiç gelişemeden bitiremiyosun çünkü baseni geliştir diye ana görev veriyor zorla, o sıkıcı yan görevleri yapıyosun birbirinin aynısı ve böyle olunca oyundan çok metin2 çar kasıyosun gibi görev bilinciyle hareket ediyosun onun yerine daha eğlenceli farklı aktivitelerle gelişim sağlanabilirdi

Alexa play Three Days Grace - I Hate Everything About You

[Mfs don't ever put tiers to enemies back again]

Far Cry New Dawn (2019): Estafa. No solo reciclan Far Cry 5, sino que lo rompen metiendo armas que en nivel 3 son inútiles, y en el 4 matan de un tiro. Una IA ridícula, bugs absurdos, sigilo imposible, micropagos invasivos y una historia y personajes de vergüenza ajena (3,15)

Kind of forgettable not gonna lie. Feels more like a dlc to far cry 5

It's just far cry 5 but worse

O fator co-op salvou, porque esse jogo é bem mais ou menos.

jogo pós apocaliptico que em vez de terem fazendas de comida só tem fazenda de bala.

Honestly i think the game is better solely cuz of the atheistic but thats about it, FC3.5

better with a friend, but just another far cry game

New Dawn was certainly a daring way to go with the Far Cry series for Ubisoft, unless you know what the ending of Far Cry 5 is, and then it's actually pretty perfect. It is the first(?) time they've made a direct sequel and since they did it with the game that takes place in Montana, where I used to live, I was so down to spend time in that world yet again. It's a smaller, more bite-size game but it gave me all I could have wanted in a direct sequel to 5.

Amazing game, super fun to play. Great story, cool graphics, best Farcry game I've played

The only other Far Cry I’ve played is Blood Dragon, which I think is a perfectly average game, elevated by its character, that look and feel thoroughly reminiscent of an 80s styled neon sci-fi action movie. Now imagine that game, zero advancements made to it mechanically (if anything it’s regressed a tad, with floatier shooting, and far stupider AI), trade that macho 80s vibe and character for something far more generic, now imagine it with these tacked on RPG elements, so enemies, and more frustratingly animals, are spongier and the whole thing is arbitrarily grindier. But also there’s a premium currency shop, so you have the option to pay real money to get all the best shit right away and skip the grind. You also have the option to pay nothing and skip the whole thing. I’m gonna recommend you go with that option.

é uma dlc do 5 e a ubisoft e sua tara d te fazer farmar o jogo pra poder avançar toma no cu

isso aqui bem poderia ser uma dlc não?.. Tipo não muda praticamente nada do 5 além de ter duas vilões péssimas ne, historia esquecível etc, para mim é o pior far cry de todos

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This game is one of the most over hated games that I've seen. It's a solid game, gameplay feels really great, especially when you get to unlock the special powers you get from The Father. The Twins are fun villains and the story is really cool if you have played Far Cry 5. New Dawn is in every way better then Far Cry 5, except for the weapons, and the especially the attachments. In Far Cry 5 you can customize almost every weapon with attachments, in Far Cry New Dawn every weapon has certain attachments, which you can't change by yourself sadly.

Gostei mais de New Dawn do que do 5. Não me pareceu um jogo fragmentado como foi o 5. Talvez por não se tratar de uma família inteira pra enfrentarmos e sim apenas as irmãs Mickey e Lou.

Sei lá, pós Apocalipse não costuma me interessar muito, fiquei interessado na continuação do far cry 5 mas foi bem decepcionante. No geral eu acho que deu pra passar o tempo.

Uma cópia de FC 5, n tem nem oq comentar, com a mesma repetição de sempre, essa fórmula ja ta chapada d+++. Unicos pontos positivos são as armas, com variedades e estilos bem diferenciados, e com certeza o mundo aberto, a Ubisoft é foda pra fazer isso, é inegável. História chata, os personagens morrem e zero emoção, gameplay de sempre, so o mundo aberto chama atenção mesmo.

This one takes place after the 5th game in the series, the RPG mechanics of this game left a bad taste in my mouth. The fact that you had to level up to beat higher tier enemies in the game, was just a plain stupid idea to begin with and made the game instantly less fun and less challenging; this is basically the game telling you to go on a boring, monotonus grind to be able to have fun and fight some of the harder enemies, it was just plainly dumb. The safehouse or the Hub area in this game was nice, and I liked how you can upgrade it and go on expeditions to gain more materials for crafting and upgrading stuff. The antagonists were just bad, they were basically these 2 annoying ass, ratchet ass black bitches. THAT'S IT, what a great fucking idea for a pair of antagonists, I enjoyed blowing them up tho. Joseph makes a return in this game, his character development was really nice to see and very interesting and it was a nice send off for him in this game.

DLC de merda, tenho dó de quem pagou full price nessa bosta, além de ser bem pequeno (modo historia e o mapa) aparece duas irmãs genéricas e no final vc mata o Capeta, tirando bugs e IA de merda que ja é comum nos jogos da ubi. A unica coisa q salva é o grafico.