Reviews from

in the past

Honestly I never owned the game and only played the demo, but it was the best demo I ever played for a kid who borrowed someone else's console with no games at the time. While only limited to one map, being able to play online was an intro to Sony's online multiplayer experience for me.

Surprisingly fun as fuck. Great times with this one.

This game is so goddamn fun, its ashame not too many people played it online. Community was surprisingly alive 4 years ago

a really fucking weird concept that actually was a hell of a lot of fun online. short lived though

Well I finally tried this as the ps3 is being offed, and I don't really feel bad that less people will be able to play this one.

I played this against computers, but I don't think playing against an actual person would have made this fun for me. Just a weird time capsule to experience.

no se a quien mierda se le ocurrio hacer de esto una mascota para playstation

I wonder if this game was helped or hurt by being about a fat princess and not like, a fat cow or something. Fun but also a little embarassing to play.