Reviews from

in the past

this used to be called juice world it was impossible to trying to search this game without finding the guy named that

Its cool Its fun, Its snazzy, You can go on forever, and you can find some cool secrets. You can make it look cooler in the options. The bat has a funny voice

Now THIS is quality game design.

There's not much content here yet but there's definitely potential. The movement is haphazard and slippery yet super fun, and this game's art style and combat, as amature as they are, work quite well. The groundworks are laid for something unique, and I'll definitely come back to it once its finished.

this game is stupid as fuck but fun Too bad theres not alot to do, even less if youre using mac I cant load a whole area of the game on mac But this game is fun to play for a little bit Also takes no time to download and is free

silly&fun. press space to fly. would recommend

its fun and dumb and i love it, i truly feel i am in another dimension with this

Joder qué tonteria más grande de juego y lo que entretiene