Reviews from

in the past

This game gave my Wii a virus

never got past the wooden boss

This game really does not age well LOL.

I was obsessed with playing this game as a child. Despite never watching the movie, I loved running around and beating up the enemies to rescue the other heroes. I only learned years later that the game Did Not follow the movie at all, which was hilarious. You had to be there.

This reminds me of a british woman and I fucking HATE colonizers 0/10

This was kinda raw on the DS you had to be there.

goes kinda hard for a movie tie-in game, especially the multiplayer

Hired this from Mr. Video and finished it in one day.

The kung fu panda of all time

Got this game with our xbox in with the lego indiana jones game. It was honestly a pretty good videogame adaptation.

The QTE on this one were incredible, I remember till today that final battle that needed 2 to 3 buttons at the same time. Good ol' days

jogo excelente, um dos melhores jogos baseado em filme no ds, possui areas boas e o sistema de luta é muito bom utilizando da tela de toque de várias formas diferentes.
a única coisa q eu n gostei no geral foi de ele n mostrar em quais salas você já pegou os pergaminhos, assim fica mt massante de fazer os 100% do jogo depois que zerou e ainda não pegou tudo.

Nostalgia hit hard with tie-in movie games

great game, came free with my xbox

Looked better in my memory

Typical movie video game. Not very good as you'd expect lol.

Good game.
Marked my childhood.

perfectly standard licensed title. it's faithful enough to the movie and the gameplay's inoffensive. not much else to say

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Was pretty fun on wii

When my friend first got his 360 I went over his house and we played through this whole fucking game in one sitting. That was my first Xbox 360 experience and I’ve been chasing the dragon ever since.

o plot twist do começo é epico

Es un juego muy interactivo al hacer que los ataques se realicen con la pantalla táctil, pero tiene un pequeño problema.

El porcentaje de progreso se determina mediante la historia y un coleccionable que son almas de un jarrón que Po rompe al principio del juego y están repartidas por todo el mapa. Bueno pues la única forma de saber si te has dejado algún alma es entrar en una zona y arriba te pone por ejemplo 19/24, pero si hace tiempo que no juegas, como el mapa es muy poco práctico, es bastante difícil saber si te has dejado alguna zona por mirar y al ser un juego algo mediocre, no existen casi tutoriales.

Edit: Ahora mismo tengo un 99% de progreso y me queda solo 1 medallón en todo el mapa, me es imposible.

this game came in a combo case with lego indiana jones. pretty fun.

Po eta roto y tai long da miedo