Reviews from

in the past

they changed the game this time with mario part7. Mario and luigi battle for stars

Hey Stinky!
BLACHOOO! Oh, sorry.

This is probably the best of all worlds with Mario Party, I really can't think of a downside for this game, unless you just wanna complain about some board gimmicks (also the unique items for each character is kind of lame). It just doesn't do everything as strongly as other games do. Which is fine, it makes this one extremely easy to come back to.

This series was a staple of group gatherings for a significant portion of my young life all the way up through college. Every entry I've played has been a blast to play with others and complete crap to play alone.

Legendary game to play with friends until 2 am. Our favorite maps are Pagoda Peak, Grand Canal, and Windmillville (even though it's bullshit). Half the mini games are bullshit too, but oh well. Makes it more fun to bash your friends over the head with a gamecube controller because nobody can afford the 40 coin star on Pagoda Peak and they keep switching people's positions on the board.

Great boards, subpar minigames. And I was drunk, so I should know.

Around third and fourth grade I was a massive fan of Mario and wanted to get my hands on every spin-off I could in the franchise during the Gamecube era. Catching wind of Mario Party with the seventh game in the franchise came at a perfect time for me and I found myself loving every aspect of this game to death, mastering every single mini-game and playing countless parties with anyone who'd join in. One time I even handed my grandparents controllers which didn't go too great but goes to show how enthusiastic I was about this game.

There were a couple of unique features to Mario Party 7. One was the Gamecube mic, which came into play when you landed on certain spaces around the board. If you didn't own the peripheral you'd just move onto the next player's turn, but I managed to track one down at GameStop. The mechanics didn't work too great and was a pretty dumb gimmick but I still enjoyed it at the time.

Another major feature was the 8-player mode, which I pulled out quite a few times at family gatherings. Select minigames only required one shoulder button or one controller stick and two people who share a single controller. It worked surprisingly well and proved a lot of fun.

One thing I could've done with less of in this game were mini-games in Party Mode that only involved one or two players. DK and Bowser spaces were a big component of that and could really slow things down sometimes if you weren't involved. The boards in this one were especially good, though. I've always liked the investment-type boards so the windmill one is my favorite, but the theming of Pagoda Peak was also a lot of fun.

Mario Party 7 is an excellent entry in the franchise even if it starts with the awkward line "Mario was out for his morning constitutional" every time you boot it up. It's arguably the last great Mario Party before the series started to decline.

played a few rounds with my friend. lots of fun! I forget the old mario parties are out to make ur life hell LOL

This is the one i grew up with and it was one of my favorite games growing up, the boards and minigames are so memorable to me and its such a blast to play with friends

still playing this all by myself

i love my friends and i love mario party

This is my favourite Mario Party. I LOVED how there was an 8 player mode and I wish it would return. I always played with "8 players" and controlled 2 at once. Love it. It's basically the Double Dash of Mario Party.

they had 8 player mode that shit was crazy but i dont have 8 friends i played with cpus

this was THE game for my siblings and i. the one thing that always brought us together. i was luigi every single game. i will always be luigi. this is the way

I hear the sound effects from this one in my head, and I mourn the time in which my life was without worry

also you can just shout "fuck" during any of the microphone games and it'll work. try it

The board variety and special orbs for characters makes this one stand out. One of the only MP games where character choice truly matters. The microphone space being on the board even with the setting turned off is stupid and gives blank spaces on the boards which is frustrating. The minigames are pretty solid for the most part. This one holds up well today.

This used to be my favorite, what the fuck was I smoking?

Really enjoyed playing this, the mini games were so fun and the vacation theme/vibe was great. Still the only mario party game ive played.

just play 6 instead

i will find you if you pick pyramid park

i spent an embarrassing amount of time of my childhood playing this game by myself for hours until my gamecube stopped reading the disc for the night

Gameplay : 3/5 C'est marrant mais rien de fou comparé à Mario Party 6, au contraire c'est même moins bien.
Les plateaux sont trop longs et globalement les mini jeux sont juste correct. Ah et aussi il y a vraiment très peu de minis jeux.
Histoire/Ambiance : 2.5/5 Giga meh tier, rien de surprenant ni rien de marquant.
Musique : 3/5 Classique Mario Party, rien d'innovant.
Graphismes : 3/5 Pour le dernier Mario Party gamecube, je trouve ça tout juste correct, beaucoup d'efforts auraient pu être fait. Bref une experience meh tier pour moi

why does mario keep on throwing parties without inviting me

i have a soft spot for 7. me and my wife really love the map where u can shoot toadsworth. it’s usually my go-to GCN Party