Reviews from

in the past

Meh, sin mas, ni bueno ni malo.
Los diseños estilizados están god eso si.

the first part of me could not tighten, very fast gameplay, the game could not lure me, a couple of hours and I got tired of it

Saved the shooter genre from being Call of Duty forever. Unfortunately, the game fell apart over time due to an obsession with pro players and competitive gameplay, despite this very much not being the kind of game that needs that.

This game...this was something special, just for a moment. I spent hundreds of hours after that moment had passed hoping the life would return to her eyes. The best of times and the worst of times.

Era legal até a Blizzard fuder com tido

era muito divertido quando lançou, mas infelizmente foi jogado às traças.

It was a fun game before role queue, I ain’t waiting 20 mins so I can play the most fun class

Remember when this game was good


art direction is swag but i dont dig everything else

miss the time were this game was peak

This.. WAS good until it was abandoned.

Miss the combos only 6v6 can create

Joguei bastante no lançamento, mas por precisar de PSN+ para poder jogar, mesmo possuindo o CD, não pude jogar mais do que 1 ano.
Também detestava as lootboxes.

Copia de paladins hecha para pajines

this game hurt me. they took something great and ruined it over and over and over. probably the game i have the most hours in out of anything. i loved it and i hate it and thats just the way it goes sometimes

really fun game, played it very often

Nunca fui muito fã, mas no auge era jogaço. Hoje é um lixo, blizzard lixo, battlepass estilo fortnite lixo

It was good. Didn’t need to be changed. But ohh no. We have to make a completely redundant and pointless second game that will make everything better. Specifically by removing lootboxes and adding a fuck ton of micro transactions, Adding a bunch of shit heroes, not adding a story mode that was promised, make shit changes to heroes like Doomfist and Sombra and just make the game unbalanced as fuck. Yeah that was really needed.

sucks to see this game fall off, this right here was actually peak and deserved the GOTY, I miss this era

OW always was bad. But porn was good