Reviews from

in the past

Really good game but overplayed it a bit and now i dont really like it anymore

For a ghoul game where you catch green ghouls and look for orbs, it's surprisingly boring. Why in a team game does it require you to not be doing anything most of the time with ghosts that prefer to be alone, leaving the rest bored.

The best hi-jinx comes when someone in your friend group or party dies in game and you react by giggling like its a sleepover and you don't wanna go to bed.

i get too scared and end up staying in the van sorry.

Si no le pongo más nota, es porque después de jugarlo mucho tiempo, dejas de sentir el miedo que debería provocar y empiezas a ver qué los fantasmas son bastante repetitivos, en el aspecto de que, aunque haya muchos tipos diferentes de espíritus, todos actúan muy similar. Sin embargo, jugar con amigos durante las primeras horas (20-30 horas) es muy muy divertido.

was really fun until they reset everyone and made it a grind to get a decent flashlight since the one you start with is ass

I still can't get over how silly the character models are. Fun game to play with friends, but it's also enjoyable to play on your own with all the challenges and no evidence runs.

Very cool concept but not captivating to me, and not replayable.

used to be fun but the dev started catering to insym so regular players like me stopped finding enjoyment in the game.
every time i played with my friends i'd end up falling asleep midgame lol

One of the best and most fun games to play in co-op with friends, despite the few bugs it has. The easier difficulties are a bit boring, so I recommend going to Professional, just don't forget the necessary items! Some tasks are also hard to conclude but as long as you get out alive you get some good cash.

UPDATE: It now has achievements! They also reworked their difficulty system, and we get events that give us exclusive badges and collectables for the shelves!

Easy to play, hard to master. Fun game overall.

this game is a blast with your buds

Muy chuli, al principio me daba miedo. Ahora lo que me asusta es no tener luz y perderme en el mapa


le jeu est sympa y'a eu de bonnes comme d'affreuses updates mais j'aime plus trop le jeu comme il est mtn

No es mi género la verdad, me aburre una poca

Had a lot of fun goofing off and taunting the ghosts.

mi piaceva più all'inizio quando era più scarno e con meno gimmick

He could shove 910 pickles into his ass apparently

Devs ruined it, imagine doing an update that wipes out all of the player's money and items and forces them to start over after several hundred hours of playing. Up yours

This happened to my buddy eric once

im boutta start phassing all over

Mixed feelings on this. The game is seemingly deep, but after many hours there is a meta to finding the ghost. Every ghost is essentially exactly the same so there is a canonical strategy to investigation.

It's a fun game with friends but It can get a bit repetitive at times

Probably the best and the most innovative horror game I have seen in a while. It is an exhilarating experience and a super fun game to play with friends. There are bugs and I had my doubts about the progression but it's in early access and from the looks of trello board of the developer, they are already working on most the issues. A must play as a Coop!!!

It's been years and I was disappointed to see that the developers are still using the goofy Unity zombie models for the ghosts.

Come on, man. This game has made millions. You can't hire anyone who can actually put the horror in the horror game?

Apart from that disappointment, this game has changed at a snails pace. It's still the same fairly uneventful gameplay loop of walking around a house and trying to pry a ghost into giving you evidence, just with more difficulty and occasionally more frustration.

I really liked this game when it came out because it's built on such an amazing idea, but they've not done a whole lot with it, leading to the game just being a bit shallow and boring.