Reviews from

in the past

Probably better suited for a computer in the 2000s.

I can't understand how this game works. It all feels really random.

I’m so confused? Maybe I was playing the game wrong but I was just stuck in an endless loop of Bulbasaur and Roselia.

Music loops are too short and there's a bit too much left up to random chance when it comes to completion, but I had a good time. Probably the first puzzle game I really got in to back in the day.

Simply the LOUDEST game you've ever played. If you played this on a TV it would blow the speakers out at 10 volume. This game compared to other DS games is like when a commercial comes on in the midst of a group of other commercials but it's much louder than the others for no reason so you have to turn it down. Some sound design dev at Nintendo was having a laugh with this one.

Anyway, good game. Speaking of commercials, this one's had a catchy little jingle.

Played this one as a kid. Dunno if it still holds up.

who the FUCK designed these bosses

Well it's... marginally better than a 1/5 I guess?

Trozei is the arcade puzzle spinoff of Pokemon, and it's the 2nd Pokemon game released on DS, after Pokemon Dash. The goal is to align 4 or more Pokemon in a row. then align 3 or more Pokemon in a row immediately after that to start Trozei Chance, where you can then combo clear Pokemon simply by touching two of the same species together and hopefully clear the screen for that juicy point bonus. This continues until you clear the stage by clearing more than the threshold listed above, and any caught Pokemon are added to the Dex. You're also told in advance of opportunities to catch rare Pokemon that will sometimes drop, but you'll need to gather Ditto by clearing 3 or more of the same species at a time during Trozei chance to catch those (and there's no real incentive or reward to finishing the Dex...).

It's fun enough to begin with (and it's pretty hard to mess up an arcade puzzler), but the game really starts feeling like an endurance test with some of the boss fights that will begin throwing rocks your way (which you must clear with Dittos, nothing else will do) and love to black out the screen so you have to make do with silhouettes to get clears and light the screen back up. These later levels have thresholds in the several hundreds, and you'll need to stay extremely vigilant and patient because having your screen fill up quickly will mean that you'll be sent back to the beginning and have to grind all over again.

Now like I said, it's pretty hard to fuck this up: the arcade puzzler works on creating a simple yet engaging gameplay loop, and the colorful Pokemon pixel art + the funky tunes are great! The story's pretty forgettable admittingly, but you won't mind too much. That said, there's one giant dumb design decision in all this; once you clear the final boss, you are immediately transported to hard mode and your map progress reset (wanted to play old levels for practice/rare mons? Too bad!), with no way to go back to normal mode unless you reset your save data. Goddamnit Pokemon Company, why is every Pokemon spinoff game released in the 2000s that I've played this year somehow crippled by dumb design choices that made it past Q & A?

Needless to say, I think Pokemon Trozei is at least serviceable; if you just like the core gameplay loop, I think endless mode will provide a fun enough experience, and there's some cool multiplayer interactivity in the form of "espionage" and other agent missions if you know of a sucker friend that's also willing to play this alongside you for some reason. I remain baffled that they couldn't even be bothered to have an option to switch between difficulties after beating the game, but I suppose that's just par for the course during this era. A shame that Trozei hasn't aged as well as when I first laid my eyes upon it at the Pokemon 15th anniversary mall events, but I'm sure I'll get used to this wave of disappointment of spoiling my Pokemon childhood ramblings. Eventually.

I love the artstyle and music direction, but the music loops are fairly short, which can become annoying.
Kind of fun, but there are more interesting puzzle games out there

Decent puzzle game with a Pokémon coat of paint. Wouldn’t go out of my way to play it again, but at release time it was fun.

Man, I don't know if this game's difficulty curve is a right angle or if I'm just bad at puzzle games. I'm probably just bad at puzzle games. Like, it's definitely a fun game for a while, but it gets really unforgiving after a certain point and it just stops being fun. It doesn't really help that the warning music is just bad! Everything else is kinda funky, if repetitive, but the "you're about to lose" music just amps up the frustration.

Anyway, the real strength of this game is the aesthetic. I really like James Turner's art in this, and I think that's kind of why I tried to play this in the first place. It wasn't really enough to keep me going on to finish it, though, much less try and complete the Trozei list.