Reviews from

in the past

bought this for my ps2 as a wee lad thinking it was gonna be a cool platformer but it was just a bunch of minigames fuck those rabbids man

I remember there were one or two minigames where the controls just did not work

En vrai y avait que le mode ou on jouait de la musique qui était marquant

Si seulement on avait su ce qui allait se passer après la sortie de ce jeu... on aurait pu peut être éviter la catastrophe

A silly collection of mini games that then get repeated but "harder". Repeated cutscenes, little to no voice acting, reused games. There is just not much game here. I 100% it in one sitting. I dont really recommend it unless you like rayman being put into silly scenarios. But rabbids are just Despicable Me minions that use more slapstick comedy. Go for it if its your thing. Its better than Rayman 3 at least. Im sad but Rayman is fucking dead, gaymers :(

Honestly enjoyed playing this A LOT! The rhythm parts were my favorite and the song covers had me giggling ..I will say some of the minigames were so frustrating they made my head hurt so i didn't 100% or anything, but I might revisit the game one day to unlock all the jukebox songs and (maybe) the skins.

the ending was unsatisfactory to me. You probably get the true ending or whatever if you manage to beat every single challenge, but I really don't feel like doing that so I don't think I'll ever know (maybe i will if i pick it up again someday, like i said before). I was so excited when I realized I finished the story and then when rayman got stuck in that fuckass hole in the ground i sighed and my heart broke. no happy ending brah.... just those baby globoxes trapped in cages and rayman being unable to do anything just getting picked on by sheep.....

It's a Wii minigame collection. It ultimately would be entirely forgettable were it not for the personality of the Rabbids.
The minigames themselves are pretty mixed in quality; some passible, some bad. The majority of the difficulty comes from the rough use of motion controls.

Tip for "Bunnies Never Close Doors": the hitbox for slamming doors is actually the rabbid, not the door.

psychological torture the video game

LMFAO i remember playing that one where youre runnin on the beach for hours as a kid and the cow one

Nostalgic. But does not hold up well at all.

Nobody ever talks about how rayman does blackface in this game

Started playing this with my girlfriend. Though it hasn’t aged perfectly it’s still surprisingly fun despite its simplicity.

Recuerdos duros de la Wii

Esto fue nostalgia absoluta, me transporte a mi yo chiquito que se pasaba jugando RRR en la wii todo el tiempo junto a mi hermano y fue una sensación muy linda mientras lo iba jugando.

Jugarlo en la PC fue curioso ya que estaba acostumbradisimo al mando en movimiento para pasar los minijuegos, por lo que al usar mayoritariamente el ratón y muy rara vez el teclado la experiencia resultó en algo sumamente rápido de pasar.

Había varios minijuegos que no recordaba y estaban olvidados en mi memoria y alguno otros más que me sacaban una sonrisa cuando los veía. Desde pequeño y hasta la fecha mi minijuego favorito siempre va a ser el de baile, definitivamente era un motivamente para pasar cada una de las semanas.

Me quiero quejar de dos minijuegos nada más y es por el uso invertido de los controles y es que tanto en el que tienes que atrapar cerdos, como en el que debes de caer mientras cruzas aros la movilidad está invertida y no te dan la posibilidad de cambiar ese pedo, por lo que me resultó bieeen incomodo de jugar los primeros intentos hasta que uno se acostumbra, también los minijuegos grandes (de pistolitas) se me terminaron haciendo cansados y ya no me daban ganas de pasarlos, sentía que duraban mucho, jaja.

Jugar esto fue revivir momentos bonitos de cuando era chiquito y parte se termina super rápido. :)

at the beginning its very fun to play but by the end its more annoying then fun. childhood game tho

kind of nightmarish mini games, but it’s pretty funny. It gets repetitive after awhile and to play with friends you have to beat the story first.

best crossover i ever seen. This is better than "multiverse"

I played this way to much as a kid lol still love the rabbids!

I can't bring myself to finish this game man, why was I obsessed with rabbids as a kid

how do i go back in time to stop them from making this a minigame collection

One day. One day Rayman 4 will come to life.

ficava puto o tepmo todo na historia com os coelhos sendo uns cuzoes mas foi mt daora

Rayman 4 got scrapped in favor of this. At least Big Gimp Bunny is in it

rayman raving rabbids is one of the first things that pops up when you google my deadname cause i got a very high score in one of the minigames and my dad submitted it to the online leaderboards. i was like 40th

Really fun to play with friends and all. Alwyas a good time

a very weird aesthetic but enjoyable enough

Look how they massacred my boy.

Hear me out, I know this game killed Rayman (at least for a while), but it is so charmful and varied and uses the Wii's motion controls in such an interesting way in each one of its minigames (at least given how early this came out in the system's lifetime) I can't just neglect the greatness of this title like everyone else does. That said, it's not that memorable and I don't think I even finished it back in the day.

The first game I was ever hyped for as a kid. Also my first ever gaming disappointment. I loved Rayman 2 & 3 as a kid, so when i found out a new Rayman was coming out I was beyond excited. I even told friends who didn't give shit about Rayman that a new Rayman game was coming out!! I had no idea this was going to be a minigame collection so I was in complete disbelief when I started playing and saw what the game was like. Right up until the end I was on full copium, convinced that as soon as I got out of the prison cell, the REAL game would start. Well, that never happened.

Upon replaying it though, I gotta say, it's a neat little Wii minigame collection, nothing more, nothing less. I even like the Rabbids now.

This game made me rage so much as a kid because I was not expecting that you had to gather that many plungers with that many mini games. I came to have a visceral reaction to some and all, it is funny to think about now...