Reviews from

in the past

Пока что объяснял план действий я открыл дверь и все взорвались нахуй

The concept is excellent; the execution is flawed. You will literally have tutorial bots on your SWAT team and the enemy AI will be 20+ year special forces veterans with wallhacks serving two tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. Not to mention the maps are big and you have to literally find every single citizen and bad guy to the point where it becomes extremely tedious. I get what they were going for, but sometimes realism does not translate well for video games.

Swat 4'ün varisi. Ne kadar başarılı olduğu tartışılır ama eh işte. Birnevi Swat 4'ün torunu.

A game totally focused on the experience of cooperation against enemies that present notable resistance.

The game is perfect to play with one or several companions, although playing it alone is not bad, it is much better with friends since the bots play like a team of swats completely synchronized at your command, which I personally think takes away its fun ( but it's still not bad).

There is a very large number of maps, I think it is between 15 or 20 maps of all sizes, from a small house in the mountain full of traps to a raid on a hospital or a multi-story hotel that graphically are not only beautiful, but make you feel inside due to the atmosphere and tension generated by the details.

Although sometimes it has errors that can hinder the experience, such as grenades that does not go through windows or an enemy that instead of shooting you starts going in circle like Crash Bandicoot, it does not happen so much as to spoil the experience or detract from this piece of game.

Not only that, if you get bored later you can look for a tutorial on how to install mods. Installing mods is extremely easy and there are some that change the enemy AI, weapons and endless new maps.

Without a doubt the only thing it lacks is a map editor, but it is a masterpiece within its category. 8/10

shooting innocent people so i dont have to shoot innocent people

The spiritual successor to SWAT4 and in some ways to old school Rainbow Six. I ran into some microstutter issues that I was never able to get resolved despite a very powerful rig and in a game like this, that's not really acceptable. The AI in general is a little too robotic which can also dampen the experience. The slower pace and attempts at more realistic engagement are a breath of fresh air from the usual "kill 200 people in one room" FPS mentality.

games cool but the ai is frustrating, controls feel a bit too clunky, and the missions have a REALLY strange fixation on child exploitation instead of like. basically anything else. like let me arrest and kill terrorists or something

ça n'avait rien à voir avec sa couleur de peau

SWAT but youre fighting the greatest assembly of soldiers to ever grace this earth. they can see through walls, hear miles away, and will stop at nothing other than to wall hack you into oblivion.

Incase it wasnt apparent, the AI in this game is so bad it kills nearly any enjoyment. Its not hard, its just cheap it almost every respect.

Perqui chez le daron à Peachy Baby

So i have been playing this game while it was still in early access. Now playing the games full 1.0, its a solid swat tactical game, true successor to swat 4. However i noticed like a mission or 2 from the games early access that had been cut out of the full release, i dont know if im the only one that noticed that. Still great game

yayıncı ded edebildiğimiz için otomatik kino

This was a really fun game to play with my friends, but felt like it was too overwhelming, pretty short in my opinion and the AI was horrendous. I feel like it can be improved on in the future but I feel like there is some potiential.

Its very fun without being too overwhelming with the features

arkadaşlarınızla bir tim oluşturup oynamanız gereken oyun

Oh my oh my. I really really tried to love ready or not. It had all the right ideas. The game design was to my taste, the guns were punchy, the tactical aspects were more than just gimmicks and I actually really like the mission struture here in the same way I like Splinter Cell Blacklist's, a progressing case checklist/mission world map.
I even like the pulsing of music in frenetic moments and the eerie silence in quiet moments.
Unfortunately 5 missions in, I encountered a game breaking bug. The trap grenades and their wires on doors were completely invisible. I checked online if I am just blind or not using the mirrorgun right but apparently this indeed is an actual bug. The prevalence of trap grenaded doors in this game means progress was basically impossible beyond this point. It was super super disappointing and annoying, the only reason for a decent score being the fact that I had fun for a bit before it.
Still, I cannot recommend a game that can randomly make it impossible to play :/

Não lance seu jogo antes da porra das suas férias

Très bon jeu que je recommande pour tout ceux qui aiment les jeux d'actions avec une touche de réalisme.
Son gameplay est très bien réalisé, l'ambiance est présente et la variété de la façon de jouer et d’effectuer une mission est vraiment satisfaisante. Les armes et les capacités du jeu sont sympathiques et nous "plongent dans l’immersion".

Ce Ready or Not donne plusieurs heures d'amusement en particulier si vous êtes en groupe à plusieurs (il est aussi faisable en solo mais c'est mieux avec des gens).

Love the realism, but the AI wall bangs you from very far away with pinpoint accuracy, they don't flinch when shot and one tap you in the head with an extremely quick reaction time. Every time you die you have to: wait for the point menu to finish, go through three loading screens, two countdowns, and you have to move all the way from the headquarters entrance to the briefing room. If you want to change weapons, you have to go from the headquarters entrance to the shooting range and then to the briefing room. The best strategy that I found is to let your aim bot teammates do all the work for you. Even while hiding in a corner with a shield, I would still get shot in the head through a wall from an enemy I didn't even see.

É bom mas não é SWAT 4 (posso aumentar as estrelas ao passar do tempo)

This game is between a 2/5 and a 6/5 depending how much friends you bring with yourself (do not play alone.) much easier to ignore the clunky mechanics and let's be real like 4 people works on this project.

i have no interest in swat sims but this was really fun to play co-op and it was really difficult at times to figure out the best way to finish a mission, the npcs feel real aside from a few that make weird choices

Actuellement l'un des jeux les plus réalistes que je connaisse. Les sons du jeu sont incroyables, les graphismes aussi, et vraiment plaisant d'y jouer que ce soit seul, avec des bots ou en multi. On peut mourir en une seule balle, et se faire coucher par des civils, pas mal.
Le jeu est compliqué de par son IA qui vous détécte et réagit parfois en moins de 100 millisecondes, soit tellement plus rapide qu'un cerveau humain, mais cela nous force donc à agir prudemment et donne parfois des scènes vraiment stylé.

Getting wallhacked by AI is fun