Reviews from

in the past

The art style is amazing, and this is a solid 2D Zelda game - even if some of the puzzles can be a little obtuse.

Found all items, explored the entire map, cleared the game, and completed most of the chamber dungeon missions. Having died several times, I did not qualify for the true ending.

The game is fun and a good level of difficulty and is excellent in the pacing of puzzle difficulty throughout but god the art style is just not it for me. Link looks like he's a meeple from a random board game

Con una de las historias más oscuras en el universo de Zelda, podemos ver el inicio de lo que serían las side quest bien hechas junto con un gran agregado que es el Zelda Maker.

wonderful remake. the art style is perfect i was so excited when this got announced. links awakening is my favorite zelda game, i find it so charming and have played it countless times. it’s a short one, very tight knit within itself with fun characters scattered throughout. if youre looking for a zelda that’s not too challenging or long i suggest this one if u can find it like cheap used

Love the art style and gameplay. I remain steadfast in that should there be a Zelda film for something, this game the potential for the most interesting story

cool little game, visuals are nice and colourful but art direction is sort of generic. Getting around the world felt tedious because there is always something blocking your way.

try get it from a friend because Nintendo don't seem to like dropping the prices of their games (over 70aud 4 years later)

played the original DX version for GBC so much as a kid, but i barely beat this version now as an adult.

artísticamente está muy lindo todo el juego, volver a jugar esto después de totk se siente bien, pasar por mazmorras y algo un poco menos guiado, no es la gran cosa de juego, pero si es un buen juego

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My first contact with 2D Zelda, and it's much more fun and less mechanically challenging than I expected. It is, however, pretty challenging on those puzzles.
Beautiful art style, it's a bit too cute maybe but the colors pop out like very few games. Truly feels like a paradise island where the sun is always shining and the grass is always green, it's such a unique atmosphere.

The ending made me confused as hell though. Did Link kill all those people by releasing the Wind Fish? Were the nightmares right all along? The bosses we killed and the people we interacted with were all just a figment of the Wind Fish's imagination, but they were still alive in some capacity. So did he do the right thing?

Pretty cool, probably not worth $60.

Something special, I hope they remake the Oracle games in this style, it would be something beautiful

Incredibly charming and captures the classic Zelda feel, short but sweet.

Proof that Nintendo loves that Game Boy Zelda as much as you do.

Link’s Awakening holds a special place in so many people’s hearts. It’s cute and weird and also nightmarish in a childlike way that’s universally appealing? But it was released on the Game Boy, and even though you can buy it on 3DS, that’s kind of dead too, right? So Nintendo updated the graphics while changing little in terms of the actual gameplay, which is about as good as you can ask for. So it’s now just this classic 2D zelda but it looks like a stop motion cartoon from the 60s, and thank you to whoever at Nintendo pitched that.

Muy bonito y entretenido !!!

Awesome gameplay but kinda lack of guide

Amazing artstyle but why tf do i have to rely on walkthroughs to know where to go next

decent lil game but in the grand scheme of zelda I would say this is one of the easier ones. I mean it was a gameboy game I'll give it that but it definitely makes me less interested to ever replay it. The art style doesn't really do it for me but I can appreciate how polished it all looks.

I played the Gameboy color game via the 3DS back went they released it in like 2015 or whatever, so when Nintendo announced a remake Link's Awakening for Switch... I was little disappointed honestly. Don't get me wrong, I loved the GB game, but I really wanted to see Nintendo make a completely new 2D Zelda game. Like I appreciated Link Between Worlds a lot, but even that is still using the same map from a Link to the Past.

That said, I finally got around to playing through the first three dungeons at least, and it was a lot of fun! The new artstyle is really nice, there are a bunch of small quality of life improvements like the power acorns not giving you text every time, and the overall feel of the game is quite good. However, I still feel like this game is a tad lazy to be honest. Like it is pretty much straight up Link's Awakening with small improvements, HD graphics, and small additions. It also has some kinda bad Framerate stuttering in parts of the game, which I feel like is really bad for a game like this.

With all that said, while I may personally be disappointed with the game, it still is Link's Awakening and is a really fun game. If you haven't played the original, this is an easy recommend. If you have played the original and want play Link's Awakening again, this ain't a bad way to do it.

Link’s Awakening is the best 2D Zelda game, love the story here and the remake modernizes the gameplay as well. Must play if you’re a Zelda fan!

It's a good remake overall. I still think the original for Game Boy is better, but it does a proper job (frame-rate aside in some moments). It is faithful alright on top of that (rip camera moments though).

This game is cute. In my opinion it's a slightly lesser version of LttP. There's not much special about this title, but it's very well done. I think the art style change to the remake was a fun improvement. I 100% fast, but I enjoyed playing it.

Meu primeiro contato com zeldas 2d, FENOMENAL, de outro mundo, level design espetacular, identidade visual fortissima, momento iconicos, atmosfera unica, ansioso por ainda mais remake de outros zeldas 2d ainda mais aclamados, que experiencia fenomenal que esse jogo foi.

This is my first 2D Zelda I have ever played to completion. I had dabbled in Link to the Past and Four Swords intermittently throughout my years, but I've never had the interest to sit down and complete one. My friends had played this and recommended it as a first traditional Zelda, so I finally gave it a go.

Overall? A pretty decent time. Story was kinda neat, about what I expected. There's a real childlike whim about the characters, creatures, and environment. The visuals are gorgeous, and the music was very cute/upbeat. This style of remake is something I wish they gave Pokemon BDSP, although this game being a 60$ spend at launch is a bit much for how short it is.

Gameplay was a real slow burn. I feel like a lot of appeal of 2D Zelda is simple controls with puzzles the whole length of the game, but man I felt so slow and a bit bored from the start to about the 6th dungeon. It felt like there was when the game really was engaging to play.

If you can borrow it or get it really discounted I'd say its worth your time. I'd love to see a lot more of these kinds of remakes.