Reviews from

in the past

Why better than the first game. Still a bit unrelenting with the combat, but has better variety of enemies. The set pieces are all amped up and cinematography of those segments and cutscenes are all great

It's quality work. Naughty Dog has done a great job with production, writing, casting... all facets, really. But when it comes down to it, this a straightforward—utterly linear—cinematic experience interwoven with the bare minimum of what can be considered "gameplay". It's a small series of traversal scenarios, puzzles, traversal-puzzles, and glorified shooting galleries. And if you're up for it, some hidden object gameplay. A fun romp, sure, but mostly vapid. Maybe the multiplayer was good?

idk how you go from the first one which is shit to this masterpiece

Uma continuação que vai muito além de seu predecessor. Introduz ainda mais personagens carismáticos, cenários e situações mais surreais e criativos possíveis; é simplesmente sensacional.

This game was sosososososo fun to play through. It has the best story from all the inchafged games and also best terrain, best characters, and the best concepts. Honestly this game had me playing it 24/7 it was just that good. I deff recommend it

Não é atoa que esse jogo ganhou o GOTY. A cinematografia desse jogo é o significado de obra de arte. Os personagens são cativantes, a narrativa é incrível e as cenas de ação são sensacionais. Definitivamente, o jogo do ano.

It's crazy that this came out just 2 years after the first one with such an insane leap in quality. The level design is superb, the action is so cinematic, the writing is funny and the cast is likeable. My biggest gripe with the first one was the overreliance on shooting that made it repetitve and they tried to fix that here as well and focus on exploration more. That is, until the final levels. Soon after we get to the village in Tibet every level is a shootout after shootout after shootout after shootout with snipers and annoying enemies everywhere. It falls into its old habit and gets so repetitive and frustrating that it kinda ruined my experience and I ended up dropping it before the finale. It's a shame, but I still love the game and look forward to continuing this series

Me toco en un sorteo de facebook y me encanto :), una pena que cerraran el online, porque era divertidisimo.

best uncharted game by far. the characters are so fun and they actually made me like a love triangle. its just so good

An astronomical improvement, literally a blockbuster with stratospherical interaction before that became the norm. Struggling opening, but proceeded to feed me thrilling combat sequences- A mesmerizing building jump cutscene that lives rent-free on my head and escalating hoops of fire for trigger-happy adrenaline. Trains folding into tunnel visions quests of heroic glory, gun-totting knights and falling debris sandwiched seamlessly with puzzle breathing rooms. It's a straight-up Indiana Jones gourmet. Totally prime.

uncharted bom demais né meudeus

Idk why it took me like 2 years to finally play this considering I played Drake's Fortune in 2022 but this was pure kino.

A vast improvement from Uncharted: Drake's Fortune in just about every way. Among Thieves has a really great story, gameplay that is actually fun unlike its predecessor, breathtaking set pieces, and several of the coolest sequences I've ever seen in games. By far one of my favorite games of all time, another Naughty Dog masterclass.

This is the best Indiana Jones movie.

This game kicks ass. Just a pure fun ride from beginning to end and while 4 has much better character writing, the set pieces in this game have still not been topped

Quina millora jajajajaja, no té cap sentit.

um dos melhores uncharted, muito bom

Played it straight after the first game and more or less directly fell in love with it :D I couldn't believe how much better this game was in all aspects of gameplay and storytelling. I was so happy that there was less shooting and you spend much more time exploring and puzzling. Add to that the unique atmosphere of the Himalayan setting, great music and just all feels so well put together, for me Uncharted has never been better than in this installment.

I seriously didn't want the final cutscene to ever end.

"Boy, it's a shame you have to sit on something that pretty."

I have nothing to add that hasn't already been said. This is one of the GOATs though.

pretty good game with a great story and pretty fun characters although gameplay is still a mixed bag