Reviews from

in the past

A great beginning for a trilogy I know I'll love. Great voice acting by the classic voice actors from the original animated series, and fun combat that has aged pretty well.

Batman: Return to Arkham - Arkham Asylum is a remastered version of the 2009. game released on 7th-gen consoles and PC. Now available on 8th-gen consoles and PC. The remastered version offers a more stable perfomance and overall better graphics.

The adventure starts by Batman taking the Joker to the Arkham Asylum and already in the beginning Batman was suspicious about the whole situation as he had no problem capturing him. We soon realise that he was right, Joker has been planing on capturing the Arkham Asylum for months and now Batman stepped right into a trap. It's your job to defeat Joker once more and take the control over Arkham Asylum.
The map of Arkham Asylum is very small and its divided into other smaller areas. This doesn't offer the player any other side activities other than collecting collectables and solving riddles by highlighting the solution.
The combat is basic attack, counterattack control with few other variations by using various special attacks and gadgets at your disposal.
As this is the first game made by Eidos and Rocksteady, the player has to first get used to the new combat system and gadgets, so not all gadgets are available from the start as you unlock others with progressing throughout the story.
The story is very linear and not that long, by the end of it, you will visit every location in the asylum.
The challenges achieved by solving riddles are very hard, the combat challenges takes a great amount of practice and not making a single mistake to get gold, while the predator challenges are easier.

All in all a great introduction to the Batman series, but the small map and very linear story with no side quest other than collectables and riddles which make this game a very short experience with only few boss fights.

A pioneer for the superhero genre, it re-invented the way that comic characters could be accessed in video games with its well developed combat and atmosphere.

I liked the killer cock sex scene

I played this for the first time as a 11 years old kid, I never read a comic before that but I loved the movies and the Animated Series (Where Paul Dini was one of the main hands), i loved the game and played the demo times and times until I rented the game for a good while. I had fond memories of this game and vividly remember some moments of my life surrounding it, of the game itself I remember only stuff like the combat system and the gadgets, the Scarecrow sections, Nygma things, the Joker final boss and that Ivy and Quinn sure did a number on me in molding my taste for women. I remember not being scared as I played the game because I was Batman and not even fear itself scares Batman. I would later play City and Origins but not Knight because I had no Ps4 so I saw that on YouTube but I guess I'll talk about that another time.

Fast forward 12 years and I'm 23, I've seen the movies time and time again, hating some of them, enjoying the later animated stuff and reading a really huge number of Batman Comics, from the latest Snyder and King runs to the acclaimed Morrison's and Miller and Moore's masterpieces even going back to Starling and Aparo and O'Neal and of course, Paul Dini. I really like Batman. So why not replay the games and finally play Arkham Knight? Every couple of months they are on big sale sure why not. I start the game and there is the big walk with Hannibal Lecter like Joker and now I'm a guy who watches the credits and here I see the name Paul Dini and things start to make more sense, I beat up the first tough guys taking some punches since I play on hard but it's okay, it's fun, and some minutes later there I am walking in long ass corridors trembling like a leaf, I wasn't thinking I was Batman therefore that setting scared me, if for a second you forget that you are Batman you realize that you are in fucking asylum for insane people that murdered hundreds of people, who would ever want to set foot in a place like that? Fuck them, close everything and let them starve to death, but Batman wouldn't like that so here we go punching thughs, helping Gordon and noticing little details that an 11 years old hardly would have grasped, like when at the start of the game while escorting Joker turning around the guards in the back you can notice one of the guards drinking alcohol and then you play a couple of hours and there he is that guy and his alcohol are important to the plot, so I spent the next twenty hours looking for every secret and reference and all the Nygma Riddle because it was fun to read the bio of character sadly not in the game. I noticed that there is a lot of stuff I didn't remember like I thought it was all tunnels so when I got out and later in the batcave I felt like a kid again discovering wonderful places. Then there is that great pov scene even more at the end and the dub, ugh, Conroy and Hamill are so so so good. What a game. What a experience. Far from perfect as a game of course, some qol that is normal now wasn't there yet and I'm 100% that I'll like Arkham City more If my memory serves me correctly but whatever, you probably haven't even read this far. Play the game if you haven't and still manage to read all this, respect.

I honestly don't know what was the initial point that I wanted to make, but I don't care, i love talking nonsense non stop, Batman is great, you should play the games, you should watch the movies and you should read the comics, about that, now I'm going to read the latest Zdarsky and Ram V's issues, bye bye.

why does poison ivy have her cheeks out like put on some pants girl damn

You are Batman and beat up a bunch of bad guys and villains, is there anything better?

i like it when batman describes the situation

i begggg don't play this version whoever is listening. play the original

I don't know what it is about Arkham Asylum that gives me nostalgia but I always remember when I first got the game as a kid and carrying the box home for the Xbox 360.

Lá no PS3 joguei o Arkham City, mais de 10 anos depois joguei o antecessor a ele. Tem aquilo, jogo antigo, mecânicas ultrapassadas, algumas coisas que irritam, mas é um jogo bom. É notável que a franquia Arkham inovou em muitas coisas e se hoje estamos ansiosos para Spider-Man 2 muito se deve ao Arkham Asylum. Quem jogou os 2 vê que muita coisa do Spider da Insomniac veio dos jogos da Rocksteady. A história em si é muito massa, se houvesse filme/série sobre a história desse game não me surpreenderia se virasse um hit. Não lembro de quase nada da lore do Arkham City então ajudou a eu ficar surpreso com algumas coisas. A jogabilidade, como eu disse, meio travada e tal, ainda que tem uma remasterização, acho que na jogabilidade não mexeram em nada. Mas nada que incomode pra quem for jogar em 2023, no início é esquisito mas depois acostuma. Os gráficos, esses sim, um tanto quanto feios na minha opinião. Mas claro, tem que ter consciência quem é um jogo originalmente de 2009. Quase 15 anos de idade já, muita coisa mudou. No geral, um bom game pra ser jogado hoje, mas que se fosse jogado na época, com certeza eu sairia muito mais impactado, da pra reconhecer isso. Não irei platinar esse jogo, mas com certeza esse ano ou no próximo jogarei o Arkham City.

Arkham city is arguably a better game but to me personally Arkham asylum is simply better in every way. It’s a more succinct and beautifully designed game with such an amazing atmosphere.

The Arkham Trilogy is often considered some of the best games of all time, so I was really looking forward to experiencing these games, despite not being a huge superhero fan. But after playing Arkham Asylum, I might just become one.

Before I start my review, I should say that I haven't really consumed any Batman media before, aside from the dialogue-less Lego game. Not the comics, series, or even movies. So this will be my proper introduction to the world of Gotham, and what an introduction it was.

At first, I did find it quite difficult to understand the story, not because of its complexity but rather because of how it introduces its characters. Some, if not all of them, are presented as though you already know them even before the story starts.

There is a strong sense of atmosphere throughout the entire island, making it very easy to get immersed in the shoes of our caped crusader. It was also incredible to witness the progression, or in this case, the slow destruction of the island and Batman's suit, as you progressed through the game. However, it also does have a few deliberate design decisions that work against what its trying to establish and feel outdated by today's standards.

Way too much time was spent in detective mode, obscuring the incredible locations and atmosphere of the game.

I also found controlling Batman to be quite stiff and awkward, due to the jump and dodge being mapped to the same button. This often leads to so many moments where Batman would perform a roll instead of a jump, making the Scarecrow segments frustating due to its trial and error platforming

Also, this is probably just me but, while some may have stellar voice acting, I can't help but feel off whenever I hear Batman speak. Every single line of his are delivered in such monotone fashion, not helped by the fact that his character interactions has no proper animations, making him look like a stiff robot trying to imitate emotion.

However, after quite some time, I did manage to overlook some of its odd quirks and just enjoyed the game for what it was—a solid action game with a few problems.

Those were some frustrating boss fights on hard mode. Fun but very hard. Joker was way too easy tho.

Лучшая игра про Бэтмена и одна из лучших игр про супер героев вообще

Story is great combat is fun there is not enough stealth sections in the game definitely a joy to experience.

A very simple yet awesome Batman game with a great amopshere, the weakest part is definitely the combat just due to it's simplicity but it doesn't ruin anything so it's easy to overlook.

Melhor jogo do Batman até o momento. O começo de tudo com uma ambientação insuperável.

El juego es bastante corto si prestas atención a lo que debes hacer, donde ir e ignoras, gran parte, de los coleccionables del Acertijo.

El combate se vuelve repetitivo una vez lo dominas y no es muy útil usar tus bati-herramientas ya que entorpecen las peleas contra mas de 5 enemigos.
Las secciones donde te escabulles y eliminas silenciosamente a tus enemigos, quienes poseen armas de fuegos a las que eres mas vulnerable, les sacan un poco mas de provecho.

Los jefes tipo mutantes Titán solo se vuelven complicados porque te tiran enemigos menores que vienen a estorbar ya que su patrón de ataque es super básico.
Los enfrentamientos contra Poison Ivy y Killer Croc no me gustaron en ejecución, Joker es sin duda quien se lleva lo peor; con él solo es esquivar, pelear contra enemigos menores, tirarlo al escenario, golpearlo y repetir.
Muy decepcionante ese final para lo entretenido que era la caracterización de Joker en este juego.

it’s got some cool shit and a true comic storybooky feel to the story, but man it’s just so dated. playing the new ones really makes this one worse. scarecrows cool tho. riddler and challenge maps kinda annoying but not too bad


I get the hype, this was absolutely fire. From what I hear City and Knight are even better so I am so excited to dive deeper

Beat the main campaign.
Best superhero game ever. Far better than city. Although the final boss is underwhelming the rest of the game makes up for it.

Batman? more like Beat-'em-up-man.

I never know what to rate this game.

This has the best atmosphere and some of the best environments out of the entire franchise. Unfortunately, the gameplay can be quite clunky since it is the first game. I think Asylum nails almost everything perfectly, but personally it's just hard to enjoy the combat for what it is when the later games just do it so much better. It's the only thing that detracts points from Asylum for me.

If someone asked me what my favourite film is I’d be able to answer it without hesitation, but favourite video game? I’m honestly not sure; but if I honestly had to put a name to it then ‘Batman: Arkham Asylum’ is probably going to take that spot. I know that it’s not actually the best game in the series and all (that being ‘Batman: Arkham City’ in my opinion), but I just have such a personal love for this game having played it over, and over, and over again as a kid. The game hasn’t aged too well even with the ‘Return to Arkham’ remaster, but it’s still a great game. From the revolutionary combat system, to the BRILLIANT voice acting, to the simple, yet great story - this game honestly has it all. I’ve recently went back to it and got the platinum trophy for it (on PS5, not PS4) and it was brilliant. If you’ve never played it then I highly recommend it as not only will you most likely love this game, you can then enjoy one of the greatest video game series’ of all-time.

9.1/10 - ahead of it’s time with some revolutionary aspects.