Reviews from

in the past

there's some maybe interesting thoughts here but they're held back by an exhaustingly large dungeon and dice rolls upon dice rolls upon dice rolls

admittedly didn't get suuuuuuper far but the slog's gone on long enough i can't see it getting any better, especially with my significant issues with its systems (the large amount of highly random damage, floors being big and uninteresting, heavily encouraging skipping around and thus just... not engaging with the actual gameplay). overall 0/10, play Etrian Odyssey instead

I really enjoyed this game. It's the perfect "lay in bed and play for 20-30 mins before going to sleep game" it also scratches that itch I have of completing things, so mapping out all the floors and getting the satisfying pop-up when I did so really appealed to me.

I would say the only downsides were:

1: I quickly found out that using the accessory that adds to your phys attack & mg attack + full hp dmg and/or weary dmg boost just steam rolls everything mid to late game.

2: I was expecting the boss to be on floor 99 so finding them on floor 90 kinda threw me for a loop and I wasn't ready for the credits to start rolling lmao.

I really enjoyed this game, doesn't take much brain power, perfect for if you only have a short time to play every day or even just a few times a week.

If they ever did a sequel or similar style game I would definitely buy it. Just comfy overall, honestly.