Reviews from

in the past

only wanted to see what the fuss was about and the game has already been running for 7 hours

I played a lot of this in high school. I don't remember any of it. I think I had fun?

Played too much of this fucking game. Got to end of sadistic and couldn't take it anymore. 8/10, pretty sure I paid attention too much while dating my girlfriend at the time, literally ruined my bond with her.

It was pretty fun from what we actually played of it, but we got that burnout after awhile.

How have I spent over 200 hours on this

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I played this for 200 hours and remember none of it

The best idle game there is, 250h in and didn't even scratch the surface.

How do you even review a game where you do nothing?

Eu vi meu irmão jogando um dia e fiquei interessada, foi mais o menos na msm época que eu estava jogando cookie clicker também, é mais um jogo idle de comprar upgrade dar rebirth melhorar derrotar boss comprar coisas e assim vai indo, esse jogo tem MUITA coisa mesmo e demora bastante pra concluir o que faz ele sem muito legal de passar o tempo e ver o progresso melhorando.