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in the past

"Superior men understand what is right. Inferior men understand what will sell."

Genuinely surprised that this game wasn't awful, but I had to sandbag hard to make it remotely challenging (for reference I ended up around 5-7 levels below Cynthia's team). If you want to do the same, what I did was avoid around 1/2 of all avoidable trainer fights and avoid all wild pokémon with repels. Once you beat the sixth gym, avoid as many avoidable trainers as possible instead of just 1/2. When I played it the way I did, I found it actually enjoyable even though it was super rough.

In short though, this and SP don't really have anything going for them over Platinum besides just updated movesets/typings and having a better Underground. So uh, if you were looking to play some Sinnoh stuff you're probably better off just going with Platinum anyway. It doesn't help that Platinum still looks and sounds a ton better than these games do...

Still, I'm glad I didn't regret this. Hopefully the next time TPCI outsources a major Pokémon game, they'll A) give it to a developer who is more prolific and familiar with consoles than ILCA, and B) not let Masuda direct it. If those two points are accomplished, we could actually see the first genuinely good Pokémon game in nearly a decade one day. It's TPCI though so I don't really have much hope.

its pretty much the same as Pokemon D&P but with some extra QoL improvements, although not as many as SwSh. But at the end of the day, Gen 4 is good. Pokemon is good.

First Pokemon game I beat and I feel more inclined to share my distaste for the lack luster"remake" this is. Feels cheap and quickly thrown together. Bored throughout until the end. Painfull mediocrity

Bitches call me the Pfizer

because I beat the CoronaCyrus.

This review contains spoilers

I liked it, and I think it’s probably better than Platinum, but Sinnoh remains my least favourite region, and it’s not even close honestly. The general QOL stuff is very nice, especially HMs being on your Poketch, and the game speed is as fast as it should be (unlike the slow ass Gen 4 engine). The music is another highlight, the remixes are all on point. I didn’t dislike the art style when the games were revealed like everybody else, I thought it was fine. And now actually playing the game I’ve grown to like it, it’s cute and fits the series well, and the battles in particular look great tbh. But despite the good points, this is such a faithful remake that it can’t actually save Sinnoh from being bad. The script is almost exactly the same as the original and as such, the story and characters are still largely uninteresting. Galactic is probably my least favorite evil team because the grunts aren’t funny, and all throughout the game they do the most random unrelated shit that has nothing to do with their end goals (kidnapping the bike shop’s owner, kidnapping the dude that works at the Valley Windworks, bothering some random dude over honey, stealing Dawn’s Pokedex). And then all of a sudden they have the Lake Trio with 0 build-up, we’re not even there to see them get captured, and that’s when all the Galactic shit starts to go down into the finale when Cyrus tries to create the new world. And that finale is also super lame in BDSP (compared to Platinum anyway) cause you basically don’t even do anything, the Lake Trio just randomly show up to free Dialga, Cyrus challenges you to a battle cause he’s mad about it and then he (along with his team) leaves with no repercussions for his actions lmao. Speaking of Galactic, they are also emblematic of what might be my biggest problem with BDSP: the variety in trainers Pokemon is fucking ABYSMAL. Galactic only uses 6 lines of Pokémon throughout the ENTIRE game: Stunky, Glameow, Wurmple line, Zubat line, Bronzor, and Croagunk. That’s it. And you fight so many Galactic grunts that it becomes so fucking boring. Speaking of boring, wow the middle part of this game. Almost nothing happens in terms of the plot. All you do is cross long ass routes fighting underleveled trainers that are using the same Pokémon over and over. Because Sinnoh’s dex is just so bad. It’s a bit improved on your end, as in you can catch more different Pokemon compared to the original, but that doesn’t apply to trainers, so those are pretty much stuck using the Geodude and Machop lines until the game ends. And oh yeah, let’s talk about the next problem: the level curve. It’s terrible. Holy shit it’s so terrible. The beginning of the game is actually fine, but once you beat gym 2, you start overleveling so fast it’s insane, and it’s especially weird because the gym leaders mostly keep up with you over the course of the game, but the trainers? NOT EVEN CLOSE. How do I go from fighting a gym leader with a level 30 mon straight back to entire routes filled with trainers who use level 20-25? Wtf? And speaking of the level 30 gym leader mon, gym leaders 3 and 4 BOTH have their ace at that level, even though you have multiple routes between them. Why? So yeah I haven’t been this overlevelled in a Pokemon game since XY (with exp share on), there were points where I was 12 levels ahead with a full team of 6. Now I’m an EXP share defender until the day I die, but in this game they just put that bad boy on while changing nothing about the original DP’s awful level curve, thus making that problem exponentially worse. And what’s even dumber is that the Elite 4 actually started having the same or even higher levels than me. I get that the Elite 4 is supposed to be challenging and all that but why only bump up the levels on trainers now all of a sudden? So last thing I’ll complain about is the story and characters because yeah the game is just not good on that front. Barry never does anything interesting or has anything interesting to say, and he’s somehow still the best character in the game LMAO. What other characters are there even? Dawn? Professor Rowan? Cynthia? Cyrus? The Galactic commanders? Show up maybe a couple of times to do pretty much nothing, alright, fantastic. And the plot is just the standard Pokemon game plot but with no good characters so it just falls completely flat. So overall, BDSP does some stuff to make Sinnoh better, but most of what makes it bad is still in tact and thus it only remains an alright Pokémon game in the same way that every Pokémon game is good, and doesn't go beyond that.

I can only speak as a casual in the Pokemon franchise.

I had my fun with the game. The chibi art style was hit or miss most of the time depending of the character (for example works well with the likes of Cynthia but not so much with Cyrus)
Not to mention the facial expressions being very limited for my tastes.

My biggest gripe would be these forest sections where the corner of the screen becomes blurry for some reasons. It felt very uncomfortable to look at.

Other than that the game is really just the same as the original diamond and pearl, with a modern and shinier skin. There are some QOL much appreciated like HMs on the poketech and the health bar progress not being extremely slow.

Overall good game but I think there was more that could have been done, especially considering gen 4 is my favorite it feels a bit underwhelming that they did the bare minimum.

Very faithful to the originals but maybe one of the glitchiest pokemon games I have ever played (during the elite 4 an attack hit me while using fly and it wasnt thunder?????) Also the fairy type is completely broken but thats not a complaint when it comes to the champion fight

é igual o primeiro, só que pior e mais feio

No sé por dónde empezar.

Creo que este era, de lejos, el juego que más tiempo llevaba esperando, y para bien o para mal, aquí está por fin.

Que sea un 1:1, en ciertos aspectos es perfecto, pero en otros no se puede comprender cómo han podido quedarse mecánicas ya obsoletas, 0 sentido por parte de TPC.

Todavía me queda un postgame inmenso, pero la aventura principal, al menos en este remake, se siente mejor que en el original, no es tan pesado ni de lejos, y se agradece mucho.

Me encantaría decir que, a pesar de todo, supera el factor nostalgia, pero no lo termina de hacer, y me apena, porque Pokémon Diamante es mi juego favorito de mi saga de videojuegos favorita, y podrían haber hecho muchísimo más.

It was my first experience with Sinnoh and the first Pokémon game I've ever beaten, it was great and has encouraged me to play more of Pokémon. I might get Shining Pearl just to get a Palkia. Best thing about the game is the soundtrack imo

Overall: A worthwhile remake for fans of the Sinnoh region, but lacking any forward movement for the series.

Pros: Faithful remake of the Sinnoh region, colorful and charming graphics, modern features to smooth out some of the rougher edges of original games, tried and true Pokemon gameplay everyone loves, underground area is an excellent addition similar to the wild area in Sword/Shield.

Cons: Incredibly easy until the Elite Four, small Pokedex and lack of variety among wild encounters until National Pokedex is unlocked postgame, even with a few modern features the game still lacks enough features, game sticks too closely to the roots of the original.

me he dejao las perras en superrepelentes

It's a very faithful remake in many ways, for better and for worse

Se fosse para fazer um remake assim, era melhor ter focado 100% no Legend Arceus.

Que desperdício....

Fun at its core but the fact that it is missing all of the QoL, balance, encounter and story changes that Platinum made is poor.

I enjoyed my time with it because I like Pokemon but I can't help but reminding myself it is nowhere near as good as it could have been.

I'm way to nostalgia blind to give this game a fair rating.
The original game was already flawed in a ton of ways which i'm incapable of noticing (on my own) due to my familiarity since early childhood, and this remake fixes almost 0 problems with the original game's structure. In fact, BDSP lacks any and all improvements made between DP and Platinum.
I don't mind the chibi art style but it's clear the map wasn't build for 3D graphics and a lot of places feel significantly more cramped than the original.
The Grand Underground and additions such as fairy type Pokémon make the game more fun for returning players, but I doubt a newcomer would really notice or care.
Ultimately I had a lot of fun with it but if you don't have severe nostalgia for the original it probably isn't worth your time.

also random encounters are awful and shouldn't be in any game

El peor remake de pokémon pero con la mejor dificultad post game e incluso de liga.
El remake de mi primer juego de pokémon y del que más cariño le tengo pero el juego está super roto en muchos aspectos de glitches y con un multikugador nefasto.

Short answer:

Never played the original Diamond/Pearl and want to go see what all the fuss is about? Sure, the game is good for a once-over, have fun. Want to be a completionist and get that Shiny Charm (that doesn't work properly in this game) and get all the mons? Maybe you should pass on this one for some time.

Long answer:

No functioning GTS/GWS at this point, no expected ability to send to / pull from Pokemon Home until some unknown time in 2022, archaic requirements for getting some of the mons -- and the games are riddled with glitches depending on your luck.

As someone who likes to complete a National Dex when I can, I'm used to having to rely on others to play through the opposite game I'm using -- in this case, my wife played through Shining Pearl. That's fine for dealing with trading back and forth. My problem with "archaic requirements" is the weird decision to wall a number of stones -- quite literally.

Different mon evolutions require different stones in some cases and most of these stones can be found by digging the walls underground. The issue is the random luck and disparity that comes with digging. After a lengthy amount of time underground, my evolution stone count (including the one or two of some of them in the overworld) looks like this:

Fire Stone x25
Thunder Stone x22
Sun Stone x7
Water Stone x3
Leaf Stone x3
Dusk Stone x2
Shiny Stone x2
Moon Stone x2
Dawn Stone x2

I can't put my finger on it, but something about those values is pretty uneven. Making the game more accessible by making it possible to acquire multiple amounts of stones is fine by me (I'm aware that Pickup can be used for low percentages for some of those stones), but this whole game feels like it's designed to try and emulate what BDSP was like while trying to allow for that accessibility, and the result is just something obnoxious in that respect.

Why bother with the dowsing rod when you can now go back in time and click a button multiple times to shift through a ton of Poketch apps so you can use the dowsing app briefly! Want to defog an area? Just pull up your Poketch and scroll through all over again! Forgot something in the area and need to come back later? Hope you didn't switch apps on there!

It's minor stuff, but it feels less like an homage to the original games and more like an active nuisance. Want to get X mon for your National Dex? Better slather all the trees with Honey and hope you get the 5% rarity in your favor. Or use the Pokeradar at one or two specific spots in the case of a couple other mons. Or wait each day for a new swarm and hope that it's the right one you're missing. Same for the Great Marsh. Same for the Trophy Garden.

All of this could largely be alleviated if active trading through the GTS/GWS were readily available or if we could access Home, but that's a big no.

Regarding the glitches I mentioned, I get some extreme jagging when moving horizontally or slightly diagonal while moving horizontally and it looks like the game is chugging at sub-10 FPS when it happens. If you get motion sickness and had to watch me do circles while breeding eggs, you'd probably vomit constantly. In my wife's case, her menu audio will just randomly stop working until she exits and re-enters the menu. No rhyme or reason. Sometimes happens in battles too with the move audio not working. Different Switches, different games, different issues.

I didn't experience any of the bizarre softlocks I'm aware of this game having, but there's enough problems here that it's not something I want to come back to anytime soon. I'll just wait for Pokemon Legends. If you've read this far, I'd generally advise the same because all the good will that's provided in accessibility to legendaries and strong gym leaders in the postgame and such is squandered on bugginess and haphazard decision making for item allotments and RNG. Weird thing to say after putting in 120+ hours already, but here we are.

Definitivamente é um dos jogos de Pokemon já feitos.

Even if every other remake in Pokemon was intended as an easy cashgrab, every single one of them brought at least something new to the table, made them more accessible or looked somewhat better. BDSP, instead feels like a checkbox that had to be ticked off, bringing easy sales in exchange.
The only good thing to look forward in this game is the mechanics update and "3D graphics", and that last one would only be if you're allergic to pixel art, since this is definetly the worst looking Pokemon game since gen 6 the first 3D Pokemon game in the series.

LGPE is the epitome of selling out, and it still looks better and is more fun that whatever this is. And ORAS, despite lacking the Battle Frontier (which is also missing here), got every improvement from Emerald, updated trainer's teams, added Megas to the story, added DexNav, had Episode Delta and updated the designs of important NPCs. This game doesn't even try any of that, since it's severy lacking in content and the character models are just really plain carbon copies of the original sprites and designs (which were also somewhat plain).

Actually, this game really is a faithful recreation of the originals. Originals that were not any good in the first place, with some mechanic updates sprinkled here and there, and looking way worse than a 2007 game. All in all, a game that should very well not exist. This just makes me hope a Gen 5 remake doesn't ever see the light of the day.

well, it's still mostly the same game, so it still has a lot of the problems the original game had, plus its own share of new problems. that said, the good changes outweigh the bad, this game is absolutely an improvement over the original. still mid though

Nice to return to Sinnoh but way too many exploits due to Unity and was too much of the same. Would have preferred a Platinum remake or an ORAS style remake

All in all, a great remake imo

I like that the new things include all your Pokémon level up depending on their participation in battle (which honestly, was a pain when you have to level grind), you're not forced to give one of your Pokémon a Hidden Move to get past certain parts of the game, I enjoyed the Grand Underground and getting the chance to capture certain Pokémon that were otherwise near impossible to find in the OG games, and I love the chibi-to-3D art styles from the character models. I'd honestly say it's worth buying.

I loved the game it was a great trip down a nostalgic memory lane for me and was just as good as I remembered, if not even a little bit better than the original due to the nice quality of life improvements like most importantly not having to make Pokemon learn HM moves to use on the over-world any more.

If you liked the 4th gen of Pokemon even a little you definitely owe it to yourself to play this remake, it's faithful, it looks great (Both the character models and the attack animations) and it has a lot of content to do outside the base game that I barely even scratched on including a fun rhythm mini-game, co-op exploration dungeon and Animal Crossing-like base building. Plus not to mention end-game battles and the National Pokedex (All the Pokemon up to the first 4 gens can be caught)

P.S. Took down the Elite Four on my first try and beat Cynthia with a Garchomp that I named Cynthia in honor of her so anyway you look at it Cynthia wins regardless and all is right with the world because Cynthia is best girl.

This game was exactly what I wanted and literally nothing more: a graphically better and faster version of Pokemon Diamond for the Nintendo DS.

no creo que pokemon sea para mi de aqui en adelante hagan lo que hagan con la saga viendo como un remake de mi juego favorito de la saga me ha dejado tan :/

The phrase ''its a diamond and pearl remake not a platinum one'' might be one of the dumbest things i have ever heard

We already have a remake of Gen 4. It's called Platinum. Good times, though!

This game for better or for worse is a mostly faithful remake of the gen 4 games. There is enough quality of life improvements to make the game worth playing through again. Gone are the issues in the original game with pokemon diversity thanks to the underground, XP Share makes it easier to keep party members up to speed without tedious swapping every battle and of course, blissey doesn't take literally a minute for it's hp to drain to 0. They also have done something very few other pokemon games have done outside of the battle tower and actually gave pokes on bosses good items and synergistic movesets and ev training. Wowzer, how did it take this long to make it into a mainline game?

I have a hard time really recommending this game to anyone who isn't a diehard pokemon fan though. you're missing a lot of important things like robust online features and especially the type diversity of later games. And there are features brought in from the ds game that just have not translated well to the switch (The Poketch). Pokemon is as much a lifestyle as a given game and the opportunity to replay a game i feel nostalgic about with a fresh coat of paint is an opportunity i will seize, but this game doesn't really break any new ground like SwSh did with wild areas and raids (welcome social features for a game series whose entire existence has revolved around social features.)