Reviews from

in the past

I think the story of this game was great, however compared to the incredible original it isnt as good. I still think that this game is great.

Por mais que não seja tão bom quanto o primeiro, a historia dele é bem legalzinha, ver onde a Zoe cresceu e como ela chegou aonde a encontramos ela no Road 96 foi legal. Definitivamente é um jogo para você jogar quando se não tem mais nada pra fazer

A prequel to Road 96 that retreads much of the same paths that the main game does with a rhythm game mechanic to supplant the randomly-generated adventure of the last game. Even with the narrow focus compared to it's predecessor, 96 still suffers from less-than-stellar writing that struggles to live up to it's ideals.

Achei muito ruim, nem cheguei no final.

An AMAZING pre-sequel for the best indie of my life!
Road 96: Mile 0 expands the universe and brings back the best characters from Road 96, showing their motives and dreams that drives them on the original game!
Kinda different from the first one, but an amazing game nonetheless!

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Em uma fria e solitária madrugada chuvosa, eu zerei Road 96 Mile Zero. Um jogo que comprei na esperança de ser uma expansão do primeiro jogo, e que a primeira vista acabou me decepcionando, porém, ao dar uma segunda chance para o jogo, acabei me apaixonando pela história de Kaito e Zoe, dois extremos de uma mesma moeda. O jogo é curto e simples, porém não deixa a desejar nos quesitos gráficos e ambientação, sem contar com as ações dentro do jogo que são simplesmente expecionais, como por exemplo na luta entre Kaito e Zoe (que venho a acontecer no final que peguei). Recomendo a experiência para qualquer um, se considerarmos claro, que esta pessoa jogou o primeiro jogo.
Nota: 8,7/10

Almost awful gameplay accompanied by a less than interesting narrative that makes the first game look like an undisputed masterpiece. While I had my issues with Road 96, I overly enjoyed it's narrative, concept and atmosphere, which this game almost completely takes a giant dump on.

I think the conceptual approach is what really breaks this game. The first wasn't that heavy in the gameplay department, whilst taking place mostly in it, it was the almost episodic feel of each new and different adventure that made it feel refreshing and didn't overstay it's welcome. Road 96: Mile 0 completely looses that substance and feels like a single journey stretched out for 7 hours too long. Digixart tries something almost drastically different with tedious platforming that does not bode well for the game overall and serves as an episodic ending to the structure that is not that satisfying at all, hence the tediousness.

Narratively, it didn't gripe me as much as the first at all. What sold me on the original game was the intrigue of mystery, which is obviously completely lost here. If I cared about Zoe in the first game, maybe I would have cared about the narrative here, but Zoe kind of annoyed me initially and annoyed be doubly so here. As for Kaito, I am not familiar with this character at all so there wasn't much to work with. Adam unironically was my favourite character throughout the whole thing, that was how dull everyone else felt to me.

A definite fall from grace, even if the first game wasn't the best either. I honestly have a newfound appreciation for Road 96, though, so I guess this game had at least one positive thing to say about it.

Take everything I liked about Road 96 and throw most of it out. Randomized elements? Suspense that has a purpose? Ability to die? Moral quandries? Gone. All of it. The only moral choice here is "Is Zoe an idiot who's in denial about how corrupt her government is or not?"

So much just felt badly done compared to how well put together the original game was. I'd say I regret playing this, but I feel like I had to play it to both learn firsthand how bad this is, and appreciate the original much more.

not as good as the original but still very good

How did Zoe see the reality of her position and set out? It's a good question to answer, but the adventure itself lags far behind the first game.

I enjoyed the style, the mini-games, and the desire to expand the universe, but it felt a bit like it was made for the sake of it.