Reviews from

in the past

Frustrating finicky controls
GS 40/1470 (3%)

With lightsabers, shotguns and rocket launchers all over the stage, as a little spider, you strike back! A great time with friends, with a ton of hype moments when you’re caught up in a lightsaber duel or land a tricky shot. It also has a wave mode, where you work together instead of against each other, that also makes for a good time, even if it gets stupidly hard very fast.

The single player options fall apart rather quickly though, because the randomness and jank of the game are a whole lot less fun on your own.
Special mention to the music, it’s surprisingly catchy!

"משחק מבוסס פיזיקה "
יש בו מלא כוּאָח

This game was just simple fun that was a blast plaguing with someone else. I haven’t laughed so hard I cried while playing a game in so long. What a great time. Simple controls that are hard to master, with moments that just scream badass.

Surprisingly fun movement-based game. It's fun to climb on walls and shoot webs while spinning lightsabers and shooting rocket launchers. I just wish the game were a little more fleshed out. It seems a bit bare-bones at the moment which is a shame because a lot more could've been done with the cool movement the game has.

really fun game i just need to play more of you

כיף עם חברים ולשים את השיר הזה ברקע שהולך ככה
אווווווווו אווווו איניייייייי אווווו איניייייי נה נו ניייי נה ני שבולי שבולי שבולי שבולי שבולי,שבולי שבולי שבולי שבולי,שבולי שבולי שבולי שבולי שבולי,כי כי נו מי אה שה אייייייייייייייי

I hit some of the nastiest clips on this game

what the heck this game is fire