Reviews from

in the past

A fun and simple game, it's not challenging but is fun to sit down and relax with because you know what it'll be. The story isn't exactly life changing but it's easy to follow (or pick up if you've missed some) and I personally really enjoy the Team Flare storyline. A great choice if you want to turn your brain off for a bit and chill.

I was invested enough to play it to the end, but once I was finished my will to play more pokemon completely left me. There is just no challenge in fighting until the last couple of boss fights, so I didn't feel like I was prepared for competitive fighting, exploration is non-existent on account of how linear the game is, and the story is nothing special.

Super fun game with mega evolutions

This game is a little mediocre compared to the DS games, still it brought all the Pokémons to 3D and remade all of their sprites and models, it also brought us a new type and the mega evolutions! so...I guess thats something?

The answer to the question "What's the best Pokemon game?" is the one you grew up with. So this game is clearly the best Pokemon game ever.

Still pissed Game Freak never made Pokemon Z

As a long-time pokemon, this game was so hyped from the new region, new pokemon, the dope Legendaries, but I cant help but feel like it was a fall from grace story wise, coming from how deep black and white 1 and 2 were and the braindead gameplay I don't think this game could be hard unless you debilitate youself on purpose Still, an okay game

This needed a Z version so bad. Just like how Gen 4 needed Platinum so bad. But... we never got it. So they just shoehorned Zygarde in Gen 7 and called it the end.

Like Pokemon X but Lysandre is extra genocidal in this one if I remember correctly lol

Na minha opinião é o segundo melhor lendário da geração de 3ds, jogo muito bom tb e região incrível.

A pior decisão que a gamefreak fez com pokemon foi mudar de 2D pra 3D,aqui começa a ruina da franquia, mas o jofo ainda é decente... considero o maior acerto as mega evoluções, mas a história é muito fraca ainda mais comparada com o ápice que foi o jogo anterior, as músicas não são tão marcantes pra mim e a dex de kalos tem altos e baixos.

O jogo não é ruim, só é triste se comparado com oque veio antes mas ele tem seus pontos fortes

6,5/10 Prestavel, Teve seus problemas mas teve seus acertos.

jaime pas pokémon en fait :((((

My first Pokemon game. It was pretty fun

Love the new region and mega evolution just wish it was a little harder and less hand holding. Really close to being a banger entry, just not quite the line of mediocrity.

po ultimo jogo de pokemon bom realmente

the newest generation of "pokemon games that everyone pretended to hate until 2 years ago where the internet spontaneously decided that they were good games actually".
this happened with b/w/b2/w2 too. i hate it here. i am old.

I love the aesthetics of this one and kalos has a lot of pokemon designs that i like, but the cabal of friends does nothing for me and i find team flare to be more style than anything. they do have style though...

This game is overhated, it's fun asf

First Pokemon game, not gripping me so far. I have played other similar RPGs and something about this game feels vaguely generic to me, in its art style and design.

Combat is not hugely varied or interesting either. May return to it later, but I'm more likely to start one of the other 3DS titles instead.

tenía guardado el x cuando el que me he jugado es el y....en fin

nunca me gustó demasiado, pero ahora lo he rejugado y lo valoro. o sea no retiro que tiene muy poca personalidad comparado con otros, y que por varios motivos (historia, personajes, libertad en la región) no es la aventura más memorable

pero está bien diseñado, es divertido, la región tiene sus cosas chulas y bonitas, las entonces nuevas animaciones y modelos están MUY BIEN en la 3ds. además tiene cierta... aspiración por su presentación y encanto, tanto cinemático como bonico

la quinta ya intentaba este approach cinemático con cambios de plano por ahí, pero aquí lo consiguen del todo porque está en 3d. lo guapo que está caminar hacia un sitio, que la cámara gire y te enseñe el pedazo de edificio de 15 kilómetros al que te acercas, todo mientras caminas....mola mucho. ahí está esa atención el detalle que gamefreak tenía cuando no se explotaban tanto.

y luego están esos sitios en ciudades, con banquitos, en los que te sientas y el plano cambia a uno bonito. es este encanto y detallismo que tiene lo que me hace querer esta generación y valorarla.

y eso. ADEMÁS, el postgame. quiero hablar mucho del postgame de Handsome pero intentaré ser breve: tiene ideas y escenas que son de lo mejor de toda toda la saga y una madurez y acercamiento realista que mola mucho ver tras jugar a uno de los juegos más infantiles... pero tampoco es una locura. o sea está bien, pero yo creo que se resuelve todo muy rápido y que no terminan desarrollándolo tampoco maravillosamente. termina siendo un postgame majo, vaya. poco más. matière my beloved

amén. el lore también está chulísimo evidentemente eso se obvia

They really scrapped the bottom of the barrel with this one. Megas sick tho

This game was alright. Some of the 3d models weren't as good as the 2d black 2 and white 2 models. However; the charm, and some nostalgia, of the game still held up 10 years later. However, there isn't a lot of post game content, so it can get boring after you beat the game.

Mega evolutions are cool but this started the 3D pokemon era which means it fucking sucks

Megaevoluções, melhor mecânica já feita pela nintendo.

Cute game, but extremely basic