Reviews from

in the past

Very funny and fun to play with a friend

Remember when Until Dawn came out and it felt like a playable horror movie and your choices mattered and the characters were stereotypes but you grew to care if they died or not? Yeah strip that all away and you get Man of Medan

i thought the dark pictures would get better after this, boy was i wrong

Leicht durchschaubare Story aber dennoch ein gutes Multiplayer-Horror-Adventure, wenn man erst einmal in das Horrorgenre einsteigen möchte.

an unfortunate follow up to one of the landmarks of gaming, perhaps entertaining in the bad sense

After Until Dawn this one was a bit of a let down. I first played this by myself and didn’t enjoy it a whole lot but after replaying it with a friend it got a LOT better. At times goofy it was fun to make fun of. It’s not the worst in the series but is pretty low on my list for Supermassive Games.

Too short to have any real impact or connection with the characters. Story was so rushed at time that it was close to feeling forced .

Man of medan tem os personagens mais carismáticos de todos jogos, ainda muito preso no Until Dawn é onde começa a franquia

Weird cuts, short story and shallow characters. Not the best Dark Pictures game, that's for sure.

Its ight, nothing like until dawn

terceiro ato chatissimoooooo

e sem querer deixamo a loira viva :(

Sorry but Supermassive can't write compelling characters and narrative to save their lives

Generic camp horror movie made fun.
Only fun in couch coop, don't even think of playing alone.

What an awful way to follow up Until Dawn.

Aside from some questionable voice performances, the game actually starts off okay and manages to build a somewhat creepy atmosphere. However the gameplay quickly devolves into slowly walking down identical looking hallways with the occasional jumpscare or qte. All of that builds up to an embarrassingly underwhelming climax showing just how poorly conceived the story was. Not sure how much of that was due to the decisions I made but I certainly won’t play it again to find out.

i mean it was okay, nothing crazy. did end up with literally every single person dying because of 1 single failed check in a literal 5 hour playthrough, which made me and my duo giggle because like bruh but it was still fun!

ok the monsters aren't real and it was just scary spooky gas is fine, but don't follow it up with a game like Little Hope

Gostei bastante, um jogo rápido com uma história boa, e um susto que quase mata a gente.

It feels like playing an interactive movie with your friends in charge of different characters. If you approach it like that vs a game to complete it's very enjoyable.

ghost ship movie game with coop. great to play with a friend, horrible by yourself. ok story ruined by an absolutely awful twist.

After finishing Until Dawn, I became eagerly excited for what Supermassive Games' next outing is. Although an anthology franchise isn't exactly what I wanted or needed, I was still pretty hooked with it. It's a shame though that playing the game was just as boring as being stuck in the middle of the ocean.

First, before all of the terrible flaws that this game has, I want to point out all of what it does good, even if it may only be quite a few. For starters, I felt more encouraged to experiment with the characters' traits this time around compared to their previous game, instead of just trying to be kind all the time because of the surprisingly good dialogue system.

It also also looks so much better than Until Dawn in some areas, although, the facial animation just looks way too uncanny for my liking. The characters have these soulless stares that are very off putting even hours into the game.

One thing I hated though was the constant and immersion breaking loading screen in-between camera changes. There's nothing more annoying than enjoying a scene, only for it to be ruined by a sudden black loading screen for the next camera angle. Despite this though, I found the initial hour of the game to be completely enjoyable, albeit a bit slow, and I never wanted to drop it.

The longer I played the game though, the more flaws started to arise, and it really hampered the immersion. Weird bugs started to appear, the constant loading started to become longer, and the story just never managed to grab my attention once the action started.

It felt more like a PG-13 supernatural story, with not a single ounce of self awareness or originality in its plot. It just pretty much gives all of its scares right in the middle of the story and then just as you know, the game is abruptly at the 3rd act. The plot twist was also delivered in such a casual manner that makes it come across as anti climactic.

What's worse is that most of the gameplay section through the main setting of the game just consists of you doing brain dead QTEs and walking from a straight corridor of point A to B with little in the way of exploration. And when there is an exploration segment, there seems to be an invisible timer running in the background that makes exploration very discouraging and makes other characters react as if you're very incompetent if you don't reach the intended area in time. Because of this constraint to the gameplay, Man of Medan felt more like an interactive movie, and a bad one at that.

Despite how bad the game was I still wanted to try out the second campaign from another character's point of view, hoping that this could help save it, only to find out that this mode is completely missing from my game despite doing every single requirements and even checking if it was installed. It could probably be the result of a bug, and one that seems to not have any solution available online, so as of today, I can't play the other half of this mediocre horror game and I think I might even be better for it.

Fun fact: the story of this game is largely based on a real mistery of a ghost ship also called SS Ourang Medan. There were never found any real records of the ship, however many witnesses and authors reported having seen it shipwrecked.

um jogo incrível de escolhas com o tema de terror e suspense, dá pra jogar cooperativo com alguém, e os dois terem q fazer escolhas e necessitar um do outro para prosseguir e obter bons resultados no game, muito bom!

Didn't really like it. Clunky gameplay.

Quite a laugh to play with a friend. I wouldn't dream of playing this alone, this is an excuse to hang out with a friend only.