Reviews from

in the past

La IA que tiene para spawnear enemigos es increíble, se adapta perfectamente a cómo va la partida. Así deberían ser todos estos juegos

Gameplay aside, I just can't stop thinking about the audio of this game. The sharp drums mixed with the low guttural bass that permeates all of the horde themes. The jingles that play when the special infected spawn. The voice interactions of the 4 distinct but very entertaining protagonists.

Did you know in the first level before they learn each other's names, they call each other silly nicknames. For example: if you ping Coach as Nick, he calls him "Big Man", like that attention to detail is nuts!

This game is a treat to listen to and I'm convinced that I could play this game blindfolded and probably have a good time.

As for the gameplay, definitely the best out of any zombie game I've played which is surprisingly, a very low bar. It's grounded, punchy but fun. And then couple that with some of the nicest looking Source engine environments I've ever seen.

Yeah it's good.

No wonder it's a classic, and one that's aged so well at this point. You can just hop on and have fun without any progression bs, plus the modding community makes it more fun. Be it with friends or alone, this is a goated game.

bater em fall guys escutando rock enquanto peitudinha anime pega fogo

De los juegos con los que más me he divertido

awesome game & atmosphere and even more awesome mods


Notice how valve is pretty comforable with number 4 but can't get through 3

Played this all the time when I was younger and I still play it really really fun

Jogar com os amigos é mais pura forma de diversão possível.

Praticamente imortalidade encarnada em um jogo.

Simplesmente NÃO PARA DE VIR CONTEÚDO da comunidade.

O mundo precisa de um novo left 4 dead

This game has no right to have aged so incredibly

Mechanics, dialogue, even the bugs are great, funny as shit, and honestly even the graphics have aged pretty well.

stupid fun.

The best co-op zombie experience there is. Countless hours in this game with my brothers and friends. Also one of the first games I got every achievement in.