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A couple of months ago, I went on the first vacation I've been on in a few years. I've been too busy with work or school to take the time off and travel. Since I was itching to play DMC3 on it's higher difficulties for the first time, I downloaded the HD collection on my laptop and chewed through a complete playthough over the week.

So much of this game's qualities were heightened over this playthrough. The arsenal still stands as one of the greatest of all time in variety and depth. The enemies are extremely unique, creating a good balance between combo fodder and more specific threats. The levels often put Dante in strange and uncomfortable positions during combat. Forcing the player to consider methods of play that may not seem natural.

I came home, playthrough finished, ready to dive into Vergil, bloody palace, rank hunting, difficulty scaling, to really take this game for everything it is on my PC.

The DMC HD collection doesn't support cloud saves.

I'm not even mad.

Its a great game but its a bad sequel to DMC2, like where's the infested plane.

Thanks to this and Final Fantasy XVI so far I now have more motivation to finish DmC:DMC so I can finally get to DMC5.

This is epitome of action game with style in mind.
The rule of cool is always used here.
And this introduced me to my favorite character, Vergil.
Thanks Mom! When you cane back from an anime convention and handed me this randomly and told me your friend introduced you to it. I was 10 years old, this game changed me forever. I never knew how good life can taste.

Capcom shooting everyone with their bisexuality beam

A timeless classic and one of the best games ever made.

Great game, the scenes are very cool and the beginning of the game is very good then it gets stuck a little but not that much and the bosses are wonderful and the music 9/10

Most games make love, this game FUCKS.

eu já tinha jogado dmc 3 antes mas desisti por conta da dificuldade, agora que dei outra chance me surpreendeu bastante, honestamente é um dos melhores jogos que já joguei na vida, muitas variedades de armas e vários estilos diferenciados que ajuda não enjoar da gameplay, sobre a história não preciso nem dizer nada, é perfeita em todos os aspectos possíveis, o carisma e personalidade do dante são únicos também, no geral é um jogo bem difícil em alguns momentos mas só basta ter foco que vc consegue passar numa boa, experiência única.

This is what it's like to have an older brother

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Wow he really was the Devil that May Cry

in dmc 3 you learn the origins of how dante became the most badass radical motherfucker on the planet and do sick nasty things like killing big dogs being repulsive to women.

great game but it gave me arthritis

Данте просто трахает всю игру своей харизмой и геймплеем

dmc 3 is the sequel that dmc 2 should of always been. it is quite simply one of the best action games of all time and was genre defining for the beat em up genre.

Positives are for starters the story is so much better than whatever the hell dmc 2 was and it tells us how the events went about before dmc 1. I wont spoil it as you should definitely go play this game for yourself and also not just the story telling has improved since dmc 2 the character writing is also 10000x better. characters actually have emotions and they don't feel like lifeless statues. Dante is finally back to a similar character in which he had in 1 which is iconic to his character. next up the gameplay which is hard as hell to master but when you do its satisfying and is peak combat in a beat em up. They also now allow you to switch between 2 weapons on the fly which adds so many more combat opportunities compared to dmc 1. the bosses have also been brought back to the same as dmc 1 where they are challenging unlike 2 and spamming your pistols to make your way through the game isn't going to work on this game which I appreciate as one of my favourite things about this series is its challenge and that the bosses can also be really creative and a lot of them did give me a hard time its all about learning attack patterns and going again. the puzzles while i didn't really find them challenging are a nice change of pace to the combat and can also be pretty creative. Another positive is I mentioned earlier about being able to switch between weapons on the fly but now Dante also has access to styles as well which can change up the gameplay and how you approach a fight which were also nice for me to experiment and find out which one suited my gameplay style the best. In the special edition you can also play as Vergil however I'm still currently playing this but to my knowledge I think its just Dantes missions with no cutscenes so don't go expecting any extra story or something but its a nice edition none the less.

As for negatives I really don't have any to be honest. maybe the camera can still be annoying sometimes but its nowhere near as much as a issue for me as the other 2 were. This game was so nice to play after having just finished 2 and capcom really redeemed themself with this one.

overall definitely a must play for me after finishing it once I'm straight back into playing it again and now I'm gonna go onto 4 and 5 but I don't believe that they will be quite as good as these ones as this was a truly amazing game. I hit the..........."jackpot" with this one

Re jogando novamente o que acredito ser a quinta vez, da pra perceber que alguma coisas que são um poucos irritantes durante game, como algumas missões e inimigos, mas isso não faz diferença, Devil May Cry 3 continua sendo um dos maiores jogos ja feitos, definiu muita coisa na franquia,gameplay único de style pro Dante, trilha sonora, uma história que surpreendentemente é muito boa prum hack n' slash e o maior rival de videogame ja feito, um jogo que me marcou desde sempre e vai continuar sendo um dos maiores.

Ultrakill fans wish they were as funny and had as good comedic timing as this game.

The game's also pretty damn fun ig.

My only real issues are minor and come with age and some minor things that I know future games in the series do (such as being able to test out new moves/abilities before you buy them in a training area). The core combat is great and still incredibly satisfying to improve at with time. My only real issues with it are that some of the styles seem very much more useful then others. I didn't feel much need for trickster or royal guard, gunslinger was a sometimes food when I wanted to rank my style up, by the end of the game I would more or less alternate between swordsmaster and quicksilver, especially the former's max level autocombo attack is really good at getting instant SSS off the bat in an encounter. Then again I've heard some people also used Trickster and needed nothing else, so maybe I'm just the outlier here. Some of the later half's combat encounters also felt especially annoying and just not fun, particularly when the game gives you full rooms with nothing but those statue enemies. It wouldn't be an issue if they wern't total healthsponges but they just aren't fun to fight period. They feel more like a nuisance then a real challenge. I pretty much just kept beowulf equipped at all times once I got it to switch to whenever they got thrown at me during the later half.

I also kind of didn't like how, for me at least, grindy this game felt during the final third. Now part of this is my fault, since I didn't read the descriptions for items in the shop, assuming they were all one-time uses and not permanent upgrades, so I played through about half of the game just spending my red orbs on actions and upgrading my guns instead of putting them towards purple and blue orbs and inadvertedly making fights slightly harder for me. This game clearly incentivises replayability, which I don't mind and in a way I was fine with basically playing "catch-up" by replaying earlier missions to get my health and DT meter up to snuff, but for the last mission specifically it felt so damn hard to me and I just wanted the game to end that I basically just stockpiled stars and holy water just so I could speedrun Vergil, which meant even more replaying the first few levels. Again, maybe this is just a me thing but I just didn't like how dramatically hard the last half was and the grinding just made it feel like the game was overstaying it's welcome a bit.

Finally the story while not bad, has the same issue most other Capcom games during the era where the beats are there, but just not as well-executed as I believe they could be. Again, maybe this is just me being an outlier and more people would rather prefer something be mostly focused on gameplay and narrative (and I don't entirely disagree) but at the same time with this being a prequel to the first game it doesn't feel as fleshed out as it should be. Maybe this is an unpopular opinion but I'd be curious to see what it'd be like if this game got a remake treatment akin to the modern Resident Evil games to see how they'd handle the story arcs. Again, it's not bad, the pieces are all there but they're just executed in a weird way that doesn't make me feel totally satisfied by the end.

Other then that I really had fun with this and am def excited to finally try the other games in the series at some point. Only other thing I'll say is that even though it's been said a thousand times over, if you want to play this game, PLAY THE SWITCH PORT. Yes, you can mod style switching on PC via the HD collection, but installing it didn't work for me for some reason, so I had to use a version of the mod made for the Ubisoft-published PC port back in 2006 which is AWFUL. Yes the mod worked but there's performance issues all over the place on top of many graphical issues in the cutscenes. No clue why Capcom just doesn't put the switch port on PC when it's just the best way to play it.

O Melhor hack and slash que ja joguei, mt melhor que seus concorrentes da epoca...

Itsuno realmente se redimiu aqui, conseguiu não so melhorar o gameplay em niveis astronomicos como tambem conseguiu contar uma historia realmente boa, dante finalmente é um personagem de verdade, não so um cara que solta frases de efeito bregas como no primeiro e mt menos se parece com sua execravel versão do segundo.

Destaque para lady e vergil que são otimos personagens.

Algo a se destacar melhor é como esse gameplay de combate é uma evoluçao realmente gritante, a opçao de estilos no combate tornava cada nova missao uma experiencia unica, me instigava a ser inventivo nas batalhas, talvez o maior ponto negativo é que tais estilos so podem ser trocados no final de cada fase ou em uma das estatuas douradas jogadas pelo mapa.

Não tenho reais motivos para reclamar desse jogo.

who let bro port the game...

isso q é devil may cry, esse dmc começou a ficar frenético estiloso nesse jogo

Combat alone does not a game make.

It can take it pretty far though.

I have nothing intelligent to say about Devil May Cry 3. I still suck at DMC and this is no exception, but damn, sucking at this game felt so cool. This game is difficult in the kind of spiteful, egotistical way. It is not brutal or unfair, but the game routinely puts some bullshit in your face that requires some stupid, clunky strategy to beat and goes against the fluid and expressive combat by boxing you into some repetitive flow. But then you get to the Vergil fights and everyone is happy because those are some of the most anime-ass boss fights ever. A lot of the game is just finding obtuse keys to open stupid doors, but the process of killing basically anything is so goddamn fun that I don't mind. Looking at gameplay from other people already makes me want to revisit DMC 3 already because there are moves that I had no idea were in the game. My biggest mistake was to only use the Trickster style because my combat options were severely limited by it. Devil May Cry 3 is such a sassy game too. The attitude provoked a primal anger in me that made me want to power through it, like it was directly challenging my ego. Like I said though, I have nothing smart to add: game is fun, play it.

The immaculate combat system that is like a sandbox makes this so replayable despite the fact it's linear I fucking love this game

Эта игра всегда была и будет тотальным разъебом и одним из лучших слэшеров в истории на самом деле проходил ее до этого 2 раза уже и последний из них был более 10 лет назад так что не так много в голове осталось с последнего прохождения но хочу сказать что слэшера лучше вроде бы еще не придумали и из раздражающего здесь только пара противных миссий вот прям с хуевеньким бэктрекингом потому что по большей части само наличие бэктрекинга негатива не вызывает а все остальное держится на уровне от разъеба до нереального разъеба думаю эту игру раз 6-7 пройти и попытаться выбить платину если нервов хватит.

Probably a 5/5 if you don't have skill issue.

Si me muero pongan una copia de Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening - Special Edition en mi ataúd