Reviews from

in the past

Great game, one of the best RPGs on the GBA. Didn't manage to get past the final boss and have lost the cartridge. May replay it in the future.

Solid and compact RPG experience and a good recommendation title for a first-timer looking to explore the genre.

Pros: Combat, Class system, Mixing and matching Djinn, Atmosphere, Set pieces (i.e. Colosso Tournament), Overall level of exploration, Mind read

Cons: On the easier side, Story, Bland party members

Golden Sun (2001): Es imposible ver con buenos ojos un juego que es casi el 50 % relleno. Por lo demás, aunque el combate es agradable (sin ser ninguna revolución), la historia es insulsa, con unos personajes completamente olvidables. No es espantoso, pero esperaba más (5,95)

Golden Sun fue mi primer juego de GBA junto a Yoshi's Island, y creo que es la mejor elección que he hecho nunca para estrenar una consola.
Mucha gente dice que es cosa de la nostalgia, que no es un juego tan brillante como decimos los fans, pero yo creo que se equivocan. He rejugado muchos juegos de mi infancia para ver si seguían siendo tan buenos como recordaba o estaba absolutamente cegado estos años. Algunos han aguantado el tipo, pero otros han sido una tremenda decepción... Golden Sun no es uno de ellos.
Para empezar, es probablemente el juego de GBA más bonito de todos los de su catálogo. Camelot exprimió como un limón todos los recursos que le permitía la consola para crear una verdadera obra de arte visual y sonora. El propio mundo, los fondos de cada zona en combate, los sprites animados de los enemigos y los protagonistas y, sobretodo, esas cinemáticas despampanantes de las invocaciones, son de las cosas más espectaculares que se han hecho para esta plataforma.
A pesar de ser un JRPG de corte clásico, de aventura medieval típica con magia y un grupo de personajes, ofrece una experiencia más cercana a los juegos de aventura por todas las mecánicas relacionadas con la psinergía que vamos encontrándonos a lo largo del mundo y de los diferentes escenarios y mazmorras del juego. Entre los puzzles, el plataformeo y los secretos ocultos, parece en algunos momentos estar más en un "Zelda" que en un "Final Fantasy". Además, la trama, aún siendo básica, consigue dar una serie de giros argumentales y de sorpresas que consiguen mantenernos en vilo hasta el final del juego.
Y, para mí, lo mejor del juego, los Djinns y las invocaciones. Nuestros protagonistas son adeptos de cada elemento y son capaces de canalizar la magia y absorber el poder de unos seres elementales llamados Djinn, quienes nos ayudarán a realizar invocaciones dependiendo de la cantidad que usemos para atacar. Al usarlos, accederemos a estas invocaciones, pero sufriremos un descenso en nuestras estadísticas de combate, por lo que requiere de estrategia y análisis elegir el momento correcto para atacar sin Djinns y con ellos.
El único punto negativo que puedo sacarle es que tiene una historia inconclusa, ¿por qué? Porque en un principio los dos juegos que salieron para esta plataforma iban a ser sólo 1, pero por problemas de espacio tuvieron que dividirlo en 2. Sí o sí necesitas jugar The Lost Age para entender y terminar la trama de Golden Sun.
Pero bueno, Golden Sun es una verdadera maravilla y podría tirarme horas escribiendo sobre él, pero creo que os arruinaría la experiencia, así que jugadlo y ya me lo agradeceréis después.

The game overall had a really beautiful story with great character development. The only thing that I thought was a bit of a drawback was that one to two bosses were really difficult to conquer and the characters needed nearly 10 levels more to conquer them.

Esta bien, un buen jrpg, pero algo sobrevalorado.

Finally finished, 20 years later lol I could never beat the final boss when I was 10.

Muy entretenido, la música es top tier.

Unfortunately, this game was plagued with bland characters and too much text. I never finished this as a kid and never had any real interest in going back to finish this either.

Most underrated RPG, but actually fucking amazing!

This review contains spoilers

Played most of this game on an android emulator suffering through a fever on a family trip. It was a pretty good distraction during those times and I eventually finished it on PC soon after getting back home. The game ending on a cliffhanger was a pleasant surprise and makes me enticed to visit the sequels sometime soon. Overall a solid jrpg with a pretty good cast, big fan of Ivan, Mia, and Jenna in particular. I just wish the class system was explored more/implemented better.

A well rounded JRPG with a good story and gameplay

I need more people to play this....

The first of the original Duology, Golden Sun pushes the GBA to its limits. Everything in the game moves very fluidly, and Motoi Sakuraba makes the GBA create sounds I didn't even know were possible with his progressive rock-inspired soundtrack. The Djinn class system can feel a bit overwhelming at first, but once you get a handle on it it is easily one of my favorite overall combat systems in a turn-based RPG.

The primary thing that holds Golden Sun back is its writing. The plot overall is alright (and keep in mind this is only half of it), but the dialogue is very long-winded, often repeats itself, and just generally slows the game to a crawl. I have a relatively high tolerance for this type of thing--especially since it is not voice acted--but if constant, drawn-out cutscenes are a dealbreaker for you, you may want to look elsewhere.

This was my favorite RPG on the Gameboy advanced. I'd love a remake of this.

Finished this sometime in 2023. Played it to pass time at family events and such. What a bore, lol. Still, the battle mechanics got me going.

Imagine being able to afford a GOLDEN Sun in tyool 2024

Very, very good RPG though. I love seeing little Camelot-isms throughout their games, in things like the UI, sound effects and other little details!

- Combinaise Puzzle + combat JRPG bien dosée et plaisante
- Visuellement incroyable pour l'époque
- Une histoire plaisante à suivre MAIS des dialogues qui me semble parfois dénué de sens ( mauvaise traduction ? )
- Plaisir de collecter les Djinn pour découvrir de nouvelles animations de combat

- On parcourt le jeu un peu trop facilement
- S'arrête en plein milieu de l'histoire

Não é o meu rpg favorito mais eu curto bastante

Ich liebs. Nicht so sehr, wie den ersten Teil, aber ich liebs.
Isaac Theme zu geile, Antagonisten sind super (Saturos ist Liebe).... ja, kann nicht mehr dazu sagen.

Um dos melhore JRPGs para introduzir novos jogadores ao gênero

finally starting a proper run of this game and while I’m not enjoying it on the level of chrono trigger, it’s amazing to see how far they pushed the gba

I get why people like this but I think nostalgia plays a big part most of the time. Sure, I've been playing every day this last week because I was enjoying the game so much that I just wanted to play it... but the story and characters weren't so interesting. There're a lot of games that have an interesting story but dull characters or vice versa so the game is balanced. However, this is not the case and maybe I feel a bit disappointed because I only heard people praising the game. The story is somewhat simple and it doesn't have much to it. I do like the main characters but I think they should have more development or a better story if they're going to be in the party.

I liked the combat system but (again) it's nothing spectacular. The class system seemed cool but in the long run it wasn't worth toying with it to see what could fit the characters better and I just used the basic build (matching each character with their element).

I don't like men wanting power or wanting to live more so f* Babi.

Also, this was a huge disappointment: the fight with Deadbeard. When I heard about him I was scared since he was the "most difficult boss of the game" but I had more problems with the fights that came before him? In comparison this fight was like taking a break.

Overall I really liked the game (and music!) so I'm looking forward to playing the second part and see if it improves this :)

Although the story is good, it really is not interesting enough to keep me going. Being an old JRPG makes it tedious to play for me; Things like sudden fights or the lack of skiping dialogues is not for me anymore. The music and character design is precious, and I will definitely give it a chance if we count with a Remake in the future that makes it less boring to play.