Reviews from

in the past

As much as I like Pathfinder more than DND5E and I specifically like this Adventure Path, this game was miserable to play.

Slightly scuffed but laid the ground works for one of the best CRPGS ever

Probably my favourite tabletop RPG to videogame.
I'm addicted to making character sheets and this thing provides me enough to actually do that.

i thoroughly enjoyed this game, there are definitely some spots where its clear the developers didn't give as much attention and there are some times the pacing is off but overall i had a good time and will be playing the next one soon :)

Moui, c'est pas mal, mais le combat ... Boarf.

Como Pathfinder tabletop ele parece ter sempre alguma complexidade excessiva em cada elemento dele. É um jogo que rapidamente cansa de tantos tipos de gerenciamentos. Tem seu perfil de jogador.

This game is riddled with issues unfortunately, but despite it all it has a great world, characters, acting and soundtrack. It wasn't enough to keep me playing to the end, but it got 88 hours out of me at least.

I disliked the combat (despite being a fan of D&D) and lowered the difficulty just to tolerate it. The sheer amount of 'natural 1's you get in this game is INSANE. Just obnoxiously insane. Two nat 1s in a row CONSTANTLY, dozens of nat 1s a battle, and there's nothing you can do about it.

This is not 'gameplay'. It's ludicrous. But hey, many others enjoy Pathfinder's combat, so you can be the judge of that. The biggest issue is how incoherent the game is.

You will google answers about this game as much as you would for a Paradox grand strategy game. Pathfinder is that incoherent. I noticed from Chapter 3 onwards the nonsensical quest design became beyond ridiculous, with no clue whatsoever as to how to proceed most times.

Take for instance the quest where a guy lost his brother. This brother left Town A to go to Town B. He was last seen in Town A.

Ok, so I search Town A. Nothing. Is he in Town B? Of course not. The game expects you to scour the entire map to find a random unmentioned location to find out what happened to him.

All this in a game with:

A) a chapter timer constantly ticking down
B) no way of continuing the game after its ending
C) characters who walk like they're wading through molasses.

The game expects you to explore the entire map at your whim.

The game is constantly at odds with itself. Everything about Pathfinder Kingmaker is incredibly counter-intuitive:

Traditional RPG: "Do side quests before continuing main quest."

PK: "Do main quests before side quests."

Traditional RPG: "Gate off entire areas with high level enemies."

PK: "Sprinkle high level enemies amidst low level enemies everywhere."

Traditional RPG: "Come back later when you're higher level. Explore the map."

PK: "Come back later when you're higher level, explore the map. But also: don't actually explore the map because there's a chapter timer running throughout the entire game."

Traditional RPG: "First side quest is easy."

PK: "First side quest has spider swarms so go eff yourself and come back later scrub."

Traditional RPG: "Vendor trash is easily identifiable."

PK: "There's an Offer button which conveniently gives vendor trash to a trader. But also: not all vendor trash in the game is tagged as such (like books, alcohol and toys)."

Traditional RPG: "Recruitable companions join you in straightforward fashion."

PK: "Jump through convoluted hoops to recruit companions (took me ages to find a damn treasurer)"

Traditional RPG: "Here's how to upgrade something"

PK: "We're not going to tell you how to unlock more advisor slots. Google it."

Traditional RPG: "Go here on this date" - provides an in-game calendar to refer to.

PK: "Go here on Moonday." - doesn't present its fictional days of the week to the player, or provide a calendar of any kind. Mercifully you can see the current day of the week by clicking the hourglass, but only in a location, not on the world map you travel by. (of course not, that would be too intuitive!)

Traditional RPG: "Stumbled upon an enemy you literally can't defeat without a certain weapon? Flee."

PK: "You can't flee in this game. Reload."

88 hours and I couldn't take it anymore.