Reviews from

in the past


A gameplay flui muito bem, os visuais são muitos lindos, e a trilha sonora simplesmente dispensa comentários.
Ela é tão maravilhosa que tem até fases musicais!

Esse jogo é bem generoso na questão de dificuldade, tem bastante checkpoints e MUITO conteúdo! Eu simplesmente zerei ele e ainda falta muita coisa para fazer. Ainda pretendo fazer depois.

Meus únicos pontos negativos a destacar são coisas bem bobas, tipo o fato da interface desse jogo ser bem poluída. Por exemplo, você passa de uma fase e já sai ganhando um monte de coisa parecendo um jogo mobile, mas depois de um tempo você se acostuma.

Se você é fã de plataformas, eu não sei o que você ainda tá fazendo aqui! VÁ JOGAR AS LENDAS DO RAYMUNDO AGORA!

MARAVILHOSO! Gosto muito do level designs de todos os mundos (mas principalmente do terceiro e do quarto), além de ter uma trilha sonora estupenda (preciso mesmo falar dos níveis musicais?!). Anseio por novos jogos da série.

Puede ser un poco decepcionante el decremento en la dificultad respecto a Origins, pero sigue siendo un plataformero LEGENDARIO

Fantastic platformer. I loved the music levels and the remixes even more. The world themes were great as well. I particularly enjoyed fiesta de los muertos and desert of dijiridoos. Just an amazing game

Love the controls and design. Too light on story and direction though

Uno de los mejores plataformeros 2D de tiempos modernos. Ya me lo pasé en PS4 en su día, pero me lo compré por 3 euros en Switch y me parece alucinante que tenga aún más contenido que la versión vanilla. Los niveles musicales son 10 de 10

I'm not technically fully done with this but considering this plays much like Origins and I'm pretty much at a point where I can collect my thoughts on it (and I just play this for short bursts when I feel like it since I've got a lot of other stuff I'm trying to fit in too) I'll just make a review now. I loved Origins back when it released. It was my introduction to Rayman, and I adored the wacky vibe of the world and characters, the amazing music, the beautiful hand drawn artstyle. Everything about it just hit perfectly. Legends delivers on that exactly as I remember Origins doing. The levels all have a distinct feel to them and each have interesting mechanics to play around with. None of them are too long or annoying, and using Murphy to move and interact with objects is a cool way to add that extra little bit of interactivity that you need to focus on besides your character. The only gripe I have is that I wish the different characters had more distinctive movesets. I might just be missing that some have slightly better abilities in terms of movement speed and such. But I would've liked if Globox for example had a move specific to him, or Barbara had something specific to her. But even then it's not a huge deal. Truthfully I don't really know what much to say because this is just a really good platformer. If I think of anything else to add I'll update this review. But really if you're like me and somehow haven't played this 10 years after the fact you really should. I have no idea why it took me so long to play Legends after loving Origins at the time. This took me back to the memories I had of playing it and loving the amazing visuals and unique music. Oh and speaking of music those music levels were great. Wish there was more of those because I do love me a good rhythm based platformer.

May finish in the future or sell it

I need to come back and finish this but this is also an awesome game

This game reminds of Tropical Freeze in all the right ways. Smooth controls, great level design, wonderful art direction and music, but also can be tough as nails when you get to the nitty gritty. Pure platforming bliss.

Some levels are an absolute blast to go through while others are tests of patience. I don't particularly like having to grind and pray that I end getting a level from Origins unlocked. It feels like padding and should have just been unlocked gradually as you kept playing through the main story, which that can be beaten fairly easily if you're not trying to 100%.

This is a game I'll come back through later, but I had my fill of it and it was a fun time.

Amo Rayman y objetivamente no es un mal juego para nada, pero no sé... Tengo sentimientos encontrados, puesto que su banda sonora y estilo artístico es precioso y lleno de carisma, pero no tengo buenos recuerdos de cuando lo jugué, me pareció olvidable y aburrido y tuve que obligarme a terminarlo...

No sé qué chuchas me paso, debí de amarlo, pero simplemente no siento nada por él y me duele ya que fue el último juego real de Rayman y lo que debió de ser una linda despedida, solo es una entrega meh para mí.

Highest praise I can give this game is that trying to get the highest points/lowest time on levels was a lot of fun

Jogo excelente de plataforma. Fases rápidas e interessantes. Vale a pena pra quem curte plataforma

Joyita merece mas reconocimiento....

Este juego es de mis favoritos, de verdad, que buenos niveles. Lo tiene todo, buenos nveles, soundtrack, jefes y humor. Pero... Tiene pésimo 100%, es necesario jugar por más de 5 meses para completalo, ya que, hay que jugar todos los días los desafíos semanales, el final es malo, el mundo secreto es decepcionante y los personajes no son tan diferentes.
Extra: Esta versión trae nuevos niveles exclusivos para el modo portatil, realmente no son tan relevantes o llamativos.
Juego completado al 100%

Um plataformer único e divertido, principalmente com amigos e posso dizer o mesmo das fases, cada uma é diferente uma da outra.

Хороший залипательный платформер, умеренной сложности.

really fun platformer, but frustrating at times

if there was such a thing as a truly perfect video game this might be it

This review contains spoilers

For personal reference more than anything else.

First time doing a complete playthrough after doing the first three worlds a few years ago and coming back to it a year ago and doing the first world or two. Played through the main story and a couple invasion levels. Didn't do Living Dead Party or any of the Back to Origins levels. Collected 311 Teensies.

Originally wasn't going to bother writing anything for this but as I played more it felt necessary to write at least something (essentially just why this is short and kind of messy).

I liked it, it controlled well and was nice to look at. The 3rd and 4th worlds were highlights and were genuinely quite good and the others were decent enough. Difficulty was a bit of a problem for me in this game, as it felt too easy most of the time and when it did try to be difficult it felt like it relied to heavily on putting something somewhere where you had about no time to react to it and filling up the screen with something big or too many things making it hard to navigate around them. These lead to what felt like cheap deaths but weren't present too often (just a couple of levels and boss fights). The game also experiments a bit but nothing feels particularly memorable and good outside of the light mechanics in the 4th world and the maze level and perception messing of the 5th world. A point to remember is that this is a children's game so its not a big problem that the difficulty or level of experimentation aren't high and it did make for a nice, simple game I could play while listening to music or with a YouTube video on in the background.

Overall, yeah it was decent and I had a good time playing it.

Meilleures version pour jouer à Rayman Legends et Origins combinés. J'attends toujours un nouveau jeu Rayman, par ailleurs.

One of the best platformers on the switch. Difficulty is at a perfect level, and the levels just keep coming. Way worth it at the 10 bucks I paid, probably still worth it at higher prices too

Hard but fun with a bunch of different kind of levels. Platforming is also smooth and it looks great.