Reviews from

in the past

I have no clue how the fuck you're meant to play this, but sometimes I pop it in and look at the pretty animations for 5 minutes

Was happy to be a part of this psychotherapy, but I got to go, I need to return some videotapes.

É das experiências mais únicas que eu já tive com um videogame. Infelizmente, não sei se conseguiria recomendar pra muita gente esse aqui não, por vários motivos...

Todos nós devemos amar a Lain
Let's all love Lain !!!

(placeholder for future review)

"There's a white mist inside my head.
Everything is mixed with everything else and I can't tell what from what.
I want someone to prove to me that I am the person that I know I am."

To many it may not really be a game, but I was engrossed in this Lain's story beginning to end.

she just like me for real 😃

Bu oyunun İngilizce çevirisinin PDF'ini internetten bulabilirsiniz.Oynanış da pek olmadığı için okuyun geçin.
Açık konuşmak gerekirse ben animenin kendisinden daha çok keyif aldım. Baya psikolojik bir şey. Öneririm.

best enjoyed after watching the serial experiments lain anime. very weird and confusing progression but it actually works super well for this game. story, the main point, is very depressing... :(

What the actual fuck???
A very interesting informational "game" taking another path of the Serial Experiments Lain canon. I cannot give any more words than wtf because this series of info is just insane. Wish i can give it more justice via words then legit hour long video essays on this game. Tomfoolery. Fucking Eldritch Blast your brain.

Como jogo? Péssimo (portanto a nota baixa!).
Como história? Muito bom, embora eu tenha algumas ressalvas quanto algumas coisas que rodeiam a Lain.