Reviews from

in the past

Maldita sejam as pessoas que pensaram que interromper completamente a história de Clementine e jogar uma história super desinteressante de uma família até então aleatória seria uma boa ideia. Se fosse uma DLC, talvez a nota subisse, mas foi triste ter que jogar isso esperando que algo relevantes para todo o drama das duas últimas temporadas acontecer. Tanto é que, na quarta e última temporada, a Clementine simplesmente ESQUECE do Javier e de tudo que ela passou, só citando pouquíssimas vezes nas coisas que aconteceram com ela. Já o próprio Javier, nem mesmo apareceu em sua nova base no desfecho do jogo.

Temporada desnecessária e pulavel.

Due to the extreme calibre of the 1st, 2nd and 4th season this game has to be last place. It is 100% over hated but all the criticisms are understandable. I feel the inclusion of Clem in this game really sways it as the player immediately favours her over all the new characters. If you properly give it a chance it is still a good time but an unfortunate bump in the road for Telltale's greatest series

Bit of a meme that misses the potential of its premise by a mile, although it at least gives you a dialog option to confirm the main character is bisexual which is neat.

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Mariana's death scarred me for life, even though I saw it coming

Basicamente um filler, essa temporada só é jogável pela Clem.

esse é um divisor de águas na comunidade muitos odeiam e muitos amam, e eu não consigo achar esse jogo ruim, ele tem tantos personagens carismáticos como o próprio Javier e o Jesus, eu amo o javier e a maneira como ele ver as pessoas e se importa com elas, eu me identifico muito.
e ainda arrisco dizer que é tão bom quanto o primeiro.

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I actually remember when this first came out and people hated that they were focusing on some random ass Hispanic family instead of clem lmao. I never minded tbh and I actually quite like Javi, but everybody else yea they are pretty forgettable and just expendable pieces of death fodder tbh. But overall the lack of clem focus is definitely strange and a confusing choice, but really what drags this down for me is just the more and more the story progressed, the more and more we had to worry about this war thing at the stronghold place. Forgive me my memory is foggy since I watched and played this when it just came out, but the last few episodes were just an all out brawl basically with the ending being fine but the journey to getting there was a bit messy from what I recall. Still Javi is a enjoyable character and his relationship with Clem is solid, and not to mention the Clem flashbacks are great, even if they just kill off your final choice of who you pick in season 2, which is bullshit.

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this GAME FUCKING SUCK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they runined kenny story and they fucked with everything I'm so glad they removed this piece of trash in the canon and no one should play this skip this and play season 4 there is nothing that ur missing and season 4 does a good job making sure that it stays with the story.

i really loved this season, it shows how much people can change given the opportunity and certain events

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I haven't heard one good thing about this game and a whole lot of "let's pretend the New Frontier didn't happen" from a lot of TWD fans. I have to say, I entered the game expecting a little disappointment from a whole lot of criticism. That really wasn't the case at all. I was expecting to pick up from Clementine's story and continue onward instead of introducing a whole new group of characters, but I was intrigued anyway. Definitely in no way or shape did Javier, Kate, David, Gabe and Mariana even come close to resembling the first few groups in TWD 1. Sure, they were interesting and held my attention, but their character development and struggles were all connected to one thing: them all being family. The whole family aspect of the group keeping together didn't make this game as fun as the first two seasons, but once everyone got to Richmond, things really started getting exciting. All in all, I enjoyed the hell out of this game. I think since Telltale blew it out of the park (in the greatest way possible) and season two was a great sequel, it's honestly not realistic or fair to hold them up to a standard where this third (and maybe even the fourth season, I haven't played it yet so we'll see) constantly need to one-up or hold up to season one's legacy. I really enjoyed this season for what it was.


clementine solidified as a badass and goes from being cute little kid struggling to survive to a killing machine. love that for her <3

Personally I really enjoyed the previous seasons more but it was really great, I loved seeing AJ but I just wish we learnt more about Kenny.

Acho que é consenso que esse é o ponto baixo da série. A troca de protagonista não é essencialmente ruim, mas eu não liguei tanto nem pra ele, nem pro grupo de apoio, que inclusive tem a Clem, e ver ela ser sucateada de canto foi triste de se ver. No geral, os acontecimentos pareciam todos filler pro andamento da história como um todo, e não sei se valeu a pena terem produzido essa temporada. Não é descartável, não mantém uma qualidade ruim constantemente, mas é claramente o pior que a série já ofereceu.

Played through The Telltale Definitive Series. Absolutely worse than the first two in almost every way. The point and click elements were worse, the world and characters looked worse despite clearly having better graphical fidelity over all, Clementine has become an insufferable bitch in the time between the last game and this one. No matter what choices you made in season 2 she is like this. Her choices at the end of the game are completely determined by the flashback sequences and not at all with how you treat her or help her throughout the game, which seems insanely stupid. I never cared about Kate, or David, or Tripp or Gabe like I cared about Kenny, Lee, and Clem in the first two games. Javi is a pretty cool character though.

creo que evidentemente sufrió mucho por no tener a clementine de protagonista a cuanto críticas se refiere pero firmemente creo que es un muy buen juego. los personajes son un poco sin más la verdad, tampoco es que a los protagonistas les importara mucho quién moría. rechazar a kate en cada oportunidad que se me ofrecía y aún así que la narrativa del juego fuese que javi y kate tienen una historia de amor me ha hecho querer tirar la tele por la ventana en varias ocasiones. posiblemente kate sea el personaje femenino que más odio en este twduniverso. javi, david y clementine carrileron hard los episodios.

worst game on the franchise. weird graphics, bad characters. especially gabe. annoying af im glad he died on my ending

this game doesn't deserve the hate it got i love you javi

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This was a good game. The girl that got headshot though. That was the point that got me into this one. Thought it was gonna be bad based on the reviews, but it was great for me.

Da franquia o jogo que eu menos gostei. Os personagens não são cativantes, a história não se desenrola bem e achei algumas partes bem forçadas. No geral, eu nao gostei, mas ainda tenho um carinho por ser um jogo de uma franquia que gosto.

Pecou um pouco, mas, ainda consegue ser bom.

an overhated game tbh. i really like javier as protagonist, i just didn't care for the other characters except jesus and clementine

esse jogo promove a talaricagem

I think this game is severely overhated. It's definitiely weaker than the second game, but I believe it is a fun experience with some pretty good choices. It's definitely the weakest in the series though, which is a shame because it has a really good main lead. But I still highly recommend checking this one out because it has some awesome stuff in it.


It wasnt as good as the last 2 seasons, but it was still really good, I love javi