Reviews from

in the past

Pretty good albeit simple and easy RPG. It has a lot of puzzles and text and its main appeal is its humor. They could have made the combat a little bit deeper and the skill and item system a little bit better by providing more places where to find needles or not making the skills so expensive (which can be fixed by grinding but that's annoying).

The writing is funny but the combat is painfully dull. The permanent missables are frustrating.

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Such a delightful and elegant RPG about my guy ARSTON “Sneaky” MARSTON leaves his hole all the way to the West, visiting Dirtwater and Breadwood and Frisco. I ain’t gon lie, I ain’t even know I beat the game, after beating the train, I ain’t even know that was it.

The game was a fun EASY GOING RPG, easy combat, easy leveling up, goofy writing, random perks and hats you can wear. Everything is black and white and it got a color blind mode and i randomly got a book about walking stupid. The whole game was a random fun adventure that I spent way too much time riding on my crazy eyed horse and CRAZY PETE.

ARSTON “SNEAKY” MARSTON the BEANSLINGER (I learned all the beancraft)
CRAZY PETE (he boosted my stats like crazy)
UHHH bunch a random other stuff

I just found out there’s a sequel…

A fun little romp that came close to overstaying its welcome but ended just in time

Got myself stuck playing hard mode where I had no way to continue.

Will probably replay it someday because I really enjoyed what I played.


Funny game, shame about the dev

It's a charming, western rpg full of comedy and references that made me giggle. There are a few main questlines that all connect in some way, but the main questline, involving the railroad, can be completed without doing any side content if you so choose. The combat is short, quick and simple. Unless you decide to 100% it, the game can be completed in under 10 hours (I completed it in about 7) and is only $10.99 on Steam, so I very much recommend trying out this simple yet charming game.

Played through this to see if I should get Shadows in the steam sale. The answer is yes. Love to play as a lowly beanwizard on the trail to find a number 3 pencil so I can sort some shipping forms and getting absolutely bollocked by a gang of clowns.

Your mileage may very but this is one of the funniest games I’ve played. That’s the main selling point of the game, the combat is not well balanced and the art style is intentionally limited.

Silly stick figure game with an even goofier story that I love to bits! :)

red dead redemption if it was good

This game is so funny and I kind of enjoyed that it wasn't a super difficult RPG. It's easy to pick up and hard to put down.

This is one of my favorite games, mainly because it's not anything that complex. It's an RPG with silly stickfigure characters, gameplay that's good enough to keep you engaged, and most importantly, AMAZING (and I mean this, AMAZING) writing.

I've beaten this game a few times since I first played it in 2017, including getting The Really Hard Way, and it's nice to play every once in a while. There's tons of shit to discover with every subsequent playthrough: the map is much, MUCH more vast than you'd think.

Worth your money!