Reviews from

in the past

no spoilers, & this is for hackers memory & thoughts after both games

these games are just really fun~ my feelings about this second installment are very similar to my feelings about the first, so I won't go on about those as u can just read my other log in here if u want.

as for hackers memory specifically, I found the lil quality of life improvements to be welcome. the music ofc still slaps! the story is alright, similar in quality to the first mb a bit better, tho it was a bit of a bummer sumtimes to have to play a guy, I missed how much queerer it felt to play as a girl in cyber sleuth. it got better towards the end, even stirring up sum emotions at sum points which I didn't expect. I didn't appreciate the ableist aspects of the narrative though (or the slight seasoning of misogyny that popped up here n there), it's cool that one of the main characters is Disabled but u can tell that whoever wrote it still has a lot of ableism to unlearn. I also really like Yu as a queer character, tho they kinda dropped him at one point that felt jarring, & ur interactions with him didn't leave u any agency to decide how u relate with him unfortunately seeing as u are playing as a more specific character in this game.

oh, there was a certain animated sequence toward the end at one point that I absolutely loved, wud love to see more experimentation like what they did there, v psychedelic!

I liked the addition of 3-person battles to shake up the approach to combat every now & then, but sum additional things like territory battles & the whole taking-friends-on-quests thing felt a lil uninspired. I liked a lot of the additional digimon designs, tho sum are just really hard to achieve without lots of grinding...

once I beat the game, it was really confusing how continuing ur game or new game + worked... & for sum reason u can only transfer digimon from your Digibank in Cyber sleuth into hackers memory, not any of the party or farm digimon... which is really frustrating as far as I can tell there is no way to go back into cyber sleuth & move digimon into your digibank, so I don't have access to most of my Digimon from the first game- bad design. there are still a few digivolutions I haven't gotten yet & am not sure if i will be able to find a fun way to keep playing to achieve them.

overall, I highly recommend this series! despite its flaws the two combined kept me engaged for longer than most games have, and it's definitely a way better monster-catching game & overall experience (better gameplay, story, characters, queer representation, evolution system etc) than pokemon main-line games, so pls check it out if u haven't yet! i picked it up for like $15 or sumthin, it goes on sale for cheap. I hope they do another game like these- better accessibility settings, difficulty settings (something other than super-easy & grindy-hard) & better story would take this to a whole nother level!

Digimon digital monsters Digimon are the champions-

Would be cool to have a true sequel with an updated roster but this game goes hard

Unrated right now as I play the first one being Cyber Sleuth. Game feels like 60% reading, 20% combat, and 20% backtracking with a lot of the main quests and especially these side quests that have you find items. It is still extremely enjoyable however and I very much think people who are new to the series will find enjoyment in this game.

A fun creature collector that feels like playing an anime, for better or for worse. Long episodes with lots of filler BUT some really cool moments and designs. The actual battle system is a bit "eh" though but toying around with getting the different Digimon is definitely addicting.

ficar evoluindo digimon nesse jogo é um dos maiorews vícios que já tive em jogo, loucura demais

Very cool and the ability to put together a team of your own favorite Digimon is worth the price of admission alone, but it's also very grindy.

I also strongly recommend getting this on PC so you can install a Japanese names mod. Get that Omnimon shit out of here his name is Omegamon