Reviews from

in the past

hey, vsauce, Michael here. where are your fingers?

le berceau de la création de nombreuses cellules terroristes

passei mtas horas nisso ai quando era criança. quando minha mae me botava de castigo ela falava q nao ia comprar moeda pra mim

this was my childhood....which makes sense why i turned out the way I did lmao

Pensar que jugaba a esta cosa como por 2007... tiempos en los que el internet no era bueno.... para esos entonces no estaba tan mal, era una especie de chat y aveces salian conversaciones divertidas... hoy dia no lo jugaria ni en pedo jajjajajja

I can't really give this a star rating, but it was kind of my entire childhood. Like, I had a genuine addiction to this game. Every second I was allowed on the computer I was on Habbo.

I can't pinpoint how old I was when I started playing - my older niece let me take over her account, so it says it was made in 2006, but I was probably around 8 or 9 when I started playing which would be 2008-2009ish. The way Habbo felt back then is indescribable. It was small, cozy, pre-UK/US hotel merge so everyone kind of knew everyone when it came to the active players. I'd go into a public room and have people saying hi to me because they recognised me from the forums. It was genuinely such a warm and friendly and welcoming atmosphere.

It kind of started going downhill after the merge, but it took a while. I remember people protesting the merge because we didn't want the stinky Americans in the same hotel as us, and that shit was absolutely reciprocated - I remember going into a room and having two Americans ask me which country I was from, and when I said the UK they banned me. Shit was real back then. With the additions of VIP club on top of Habbo Club, the change in the interface and font/text bubbles, the updates, it all grew more shallow and corporate over the years, and it lost that homely feeling it had.

I've tried to go back to it a few times, but it's a completely different website now. Impossible to navigate, completely dead and inactive, features closed off behind paywalls. It's a shame, because I'd love to re-experience classic Habbo again with an active userbase.

But still, I was there for "the pool is closed", I was there for "bacon hair", I was there for Cozzie Change and Falling Furni, I was there for the casinos filled with thrones and dragons, I was there for the structured careers, I was there for the introduction of pets(!), I was there for the forum games and "Rags to Riches" stories and parkour mazes.

It'll always be special to me, even if I can never recapture it.

Oh, and this game taught me what "cum" was, because I tried to say "cum here" as a kid and it censored me so I looked it up. Classic.

moldou uma geração de millenials

Não me orgulho, mas o quarto ficou bonitinho

Follow the path. The path is grey.

Legendary game. It is incredible to me that a similar concept has not been tried to be replicated. This is what the metaverse should be about.

Este juego emana olor a panqueque crudo

i grew up on these streets. joguei muito RPG no habbo. queria ter mais registros dessa época de ouro

I was obsessed with Habbo Hotel when I was in middle school......... It was my first time I got to experience predatory monetization aimed at children.

Le début du Rp. Clairement l'un de mes premiers "jeux" en ligne, c'était cool on pouvait vraiment exprimer notre créativité à travers nos lieux même si des gens étaient assez chelou lol

si j'raconte les choses qui se sont passées sur ce jeu j'vais en taule

I spent hours playing this game despite having zero clue how to do anything in game as a kid. This is like being a Sega kid vs a Nintendo kid while all my friends played Neopets.

Mi primer contacto con el roleplay, la de veces que me echaron de salas del juego de las sillas...
Tuvo su época.

junto com club penguin, era oq mais jogava quando criança

jugaba siempre esto de chiquita, lastima que esta lleno de pdf

if you played this as a kid and didn't get scammed into losing your account more than once they couldn't even break you in prison

Minha primeira "rede social".