Reviews from

in the past

Um ótimo jogo, porém o stealth é bem falho.

1 Paris Prelude
2 The Exchange
3 Alpine Escape
4 Enemies Vanquished
5 Double Cross
6 Night Shift
7 Chain Reaction
8 Phoenix Fire
9 Deep Descent
10 Island Infiltration
11 Countdown
12 Equinox

One of the go-to multiplayer shooters for GameCube. I played this with my roommates ad nauseum, it never got boring.

An amazing Bond game and a run first person shooter. The gadgets and the level design is a highlight with some fluid animations and shooting. One of the best on the system.

I remember it more fondly than Goldeneye, another one I used to play at the neighbors'

This Game will always remain golden great story great mechanics and shooting driving flying all are fun. (DONT LOVE ME QUIETLY)

I think this game had a story mode, never played that shit.
Fucking BOT MATCH was where it was at.
My 10 y/o ass played fucking HOURS of oddjob (yes I was that motherfucker).

This was Goldeneye's spiritual successor. COD couch co-op before COD blew up. The campaign was fun too.