Reviews from

in the past

I'd probably be good at League if I wasn't very bad at League

On déteste mais on est accro

raiva, amizade, momentos únicos foram me proporcionados pelo lol, claro que a comunidade é complicada, mas com meus amigos, tive momentos belíssimos.

played this heavy from 2014-2016, fell on and off it over the years, uninstalled in 2024. i just find it boring and not fun anymore.

infelizmente já fui doente clínico desse jogo

Definitivamente o jogo que marcou minha vida, dito isso não jogue isso é um caminho sem volta...

Honestly it's not that bad, people give it a lot of bad rep but it's really fun. The price of everything in game is pretty bad, things could be a lot cheaper but since it's not exactly pay to win it doesn't matter me much at all. They have great poc and queer rep but there's room for more and there's room for a lot less queer baiting and I'm excited to see what the future holds.

Nunca he conocido a alguien que genuinamente disfrute de este juego. En las partidas putean todo el rato. Es como una polola tóxica solo que no te la puedes culear. Literal capaz de arruinar vidas. A este punto tragarte un termómetro de mercurio es más seguro y productivo.

If this thing had to exist in order for Arcane to come about, then I think it's worth it. Almost...

uma merda, só crackudo curte.

Played it once or twice with friends, but never got into it. After seeing what this game can do to people, giving up on it may be the best decision I've ever made.

I went to the National Video Game Museum in Frisco, Texas yesterday (btw, highly reccomend, cheap admission, lot of great things to see, plus you get to play arcade games at the end) and this was NOT SHOWCASED! THEREFORE IT IS NOT A REAL GAME. #NOTARTOFFICIAL #StartingDiscourse

c qi qui a mis que 1etoiles le jeu il est tro bien vous ete juste des gro rageux

não existe jogo melhor pra arruinar sua noite ^^

Tiene cosas buenas pero le fallan demasiadas como para tener buena nota. Una pena.

Eu gastei mais do que R$ 300,00 em um jogo gratuito e me estressei mais do que em qualquer Dark Souls. Não recomendo.

T1, also known as Truck1, is a South Korean truck rental company that has recently been exposed for their money-making scheme of running a top-tier E-sports organization "only" to reach second place in the LCK. This has triggered diehard fans, forcing them to rent out trucks secretly owned by Lee "Faker" Sang-hyeok--part owner of the organization--to voice out their dismay and demands. Allegedly, whistleblowers have pointed out that Joe Marsh is merely a scapegoat and the true mastermind behind the scheme is his long-time friend Nick "LS" De Cesare who, when reached out for an interview, mentioned that the core of his scheme is "abusing the enemy's bad decision-making and mental."

One of the most rewarding feeling games when you kill the toxic enemy team anyways ts is garbage