Reviews from

in the past

Eu, nerdão que gosta de ficar em casa, andar na rua e capturar pokemon? Nah

Pokemon GO was easily one of the best mobile games back when it first launched and keep going on strong for many years until last 2 years where they just been greedy sadly

2016 Summer is the closest we have ever been to world peace

The game is the best in its genre, thanks to it I learned about AR, first I saw it from friends, helped them collect Pokemon, then I downloaded this game for myself, it was very cool to walk around the city in the summer and collect Pokemon, then I traveled to different cities of Russia and sometimes there were different Pokemon in different cities, for this game I even bought a special bracelet so that it would be convenient to collect Pokemon in winter), it’s a pity that now I can’t play from Russia, but thanks to the developers for the given emotions and good memories

Gastei todos os meus creditos do celular muitas vezes nesse jogo

Yeah I go on this game every few months. This game definitely fell off after 2016.

As decisões da Niantic fazem este jogo ser beeeem pior do que poderia.

i was playing this at the first time i kissed my girlfriend...

No se, penso en el que sentia jugant a això i em surt un somriure a la cara. Perdó, m’en vaig un moment al lavabo, se m’ha posat algo a l’ull.

pokemon avlarken düştüm

yo era fly lo admito me pesa el culo

eu qria ter tido 3g quando essa bosta lançou

No vas a salir de casa para jugar a esto, antes vas a encontrar a un bot o vas a aprovechar los viajes

destroyed my phones battery. got me to leave the house more though! would love to get back into it once I upgrade my phone.

hated this when it came out now im loving it

Já joguei canela e já joguei fly.

Canela você tem a sensação boa de conquistar oque você tem.
Fly você consegue ter pokémons insanos porém não tem graça.

Senti falta de um controle melhor de IV no jogo, ficar usando app terceiro é cansativo.

Great game and it’s amazing how they kept adding things after all these years

Good for health, bad for cars and creeps.

Ja andei mt e ja usei mt hack de andar

El sexo para los frikis como yo en 2016

Deserves massive credit for bringing the world together. You could actually go out on the street and have a shared social interaction with strangers... what a magical time. The actual game was nothing special, but the whole location tracking thing was really cool at the time, when the servers weren't crashing.

El juego es bastante bueno desde el principio, y lo actualizan bastante a menudo metiendo eventos y demás. Lo único malo es que buscan dinero para todo y no es nada barato.

I played this a bit when it first came out in the summer of 2016, but didn't keep up with it.

VOLTEI A JOGAAAR é mega repetitivo e satura rapido mas está no meu coração

i dunno man it kinda came and went but everytime i look up how viable a pokemon is i always run into some "POKEMON GO VIABILITY" site and clawitzer is apparently busted or something