Reviews from

in the past

An absolute horror masterpiece with a chilling story and a unique atmosphere, Team Silent beautifully evolved the series going into 6th gen, I love this game so much I went out of my way to get all endings and play the sub-story, something I didn't do for the other TS titles (especially 4)

Beautiful remaster and the best way to play the game, thank you fans!

The people behind this project is quite amazing honestly, they're still updating it till this day, this is the definitive edition of Silent Hill 2. That's all really, go play it, and the installation is stupidly easy as well, you just need a PC copy of Silent Hill 2 (which you CANNOT get legally, so you gotta pirate it or download it from MyAbandonWare), download SH 2 Enchaned Edition, and let the installer download the required files and just wait.

I can say that I liked what the game was going for.
If Resident Evil is a holywood blockbuster with a coherent storyline and a narrative you can follow from start to finish and not be confused, Silent Hill is more akin to a David Lynch film, an arthouse piece, with a narrative that is scattered all across the medium and is never 100% clear with what it's doing. You always have to finish picking up what it's trying to put down.
I'd say this is probably the strongest part of the whole package here - the story, the dreamlike way of it's storytelling and the ambience of Silent Hill. The enemy designs are great, and the music really makes you feel unwell in the more suspensful parts of the game.
However, as much as I like the ideas of the game, it's "gameplay" part leaves me wishing for more. This was my first playthrough of it ever, I never had the chance to play it when it was more relevant, so I come with some of the modern ideas about gameplay design in the genre, and I am just not a fan. Sometimes it's the janky camera, sometimes it's the hitboxes, sometimes it's just the encounter design in general. None of the bosses were memorable (except maybe for Eddie, but that's a maybe), and they are most often just damage sponges that test your patience.
I can sense some artistic statement in the way the gameplay works, but I just honestly did not find it that fun or helping the other parts of the game (I'd say even the puzzles are somewhat better).
One metaphor that I noticed was that when you first start going to Silent Hill on the beach, the camera actually shows you the face of the protagonist, and does not show you the way forward, almost as if it wanted to say "Turn Back". There are many cool camera tricks in the game, but that maybe stuck with me the most.
I feel that it aged, and a newer coat of paint would do it good, but boy i am not sure if Bloober team is going to hit the ball.
We can only hope.

i didnt realize hard mode double pyramid head would be like that and i forgot great knife so im not finishing my second rebirth playthrough like 120 shotgun shells what the fuck especially with the camera the way it is making dodging hard. but really cool the reason why i vibed with signalis so hard was because it was this but lesbians.

I like Silent Hill 2's story and especially it's incredible atmosphere. Although, I had trouble getting attached to the characters due to the voice acting. I was laughing a bit too much at some of the scenes when they're supposed to be serious. It's not out of place for the time it was released in though.

The gameplay is very stagnant. There is not a lot of combat variety as you will be fighting the same 2 zombies over and over again with the same strategy every time. Item distribution feels very unbalanced as well. I had way too much ammo and health pickups by the end of the game while I had used them carelessly whenever I needed. I was disappointed by this because I enjoy when survival horror games have emphasis on resource management and having to make decisions to preserve your inventory without wasting it all. I was playing on normal mode, but it felt like it was on very easy mode or something. I did enjoy the games puzzles for what they were though, along with the excellent soundtrack.

As far as this remaster though? Really good. I'm glad Silent Hill 2 is now properly playable on something that isn't the PS2. I remember it having some glitchy shadows at a part near the end, but other than that, it ran great and looked great.

I don't have nostalgia for this one, kinda scary but really dull gameplay.

Si quieres tener una experiencia nueva jugando al SH2 pues este es tu juego.

Enhanced Edition is probably the best way to experience SH2 (unless you're a collector or you're really set on playing the PS2 original).

The game looks really good (on top of how great the PS2 original still looks) and enhanced edition fixes all the issues with the buggy original PC release.

Don't buy a physical PS2 copy from a scalper when this exists and is just as good!

i love the idea of Silent Hill, but the hype for second entrance to the series' story was too colossal. maybe if i didn't watch any movies, read any books, or never thought while studying a piece of art i would be shocked about the notorious ending, but personally i kinda like original's finish more.

non the less, it's a great survival horror and classic for a reason. everything is great about it prior to last half an hour of game: setting, puzzles, exploration and even combat, including great replayability with -- what? -- four endings.

the only thing that kills the game for me is how ridiculous is hard difficulty; if it's your first run you won't finished the game (same thirty minutes) without cheese and annoyance.

easy 5 stars. best atmosphere and narration ever created in all of horror games

O melhor jogo da franquia até agora. Desculpa, mas mesmo amando Silent Hill 3 de todas as formas o 2 me cativou e me fez amar a franquia de vez. Tudo nesse jogo é um aprimoramento no 1, exploração, combate, controles e até mesmo a história é igualmente interessante como a do 1. A cidade é muito boa de se explorar, a cada canto você acha uma munição ou item de cura pro seu inventário e o James abaixa a cabeça na direção do item quando está perto do mesmo, ajudando ainda mais na exploração. Por mais que certos puzzles e a área do labirinto não me agradarem muito, não acho que eles estragaram minha experiência com o jogo. Não vou dar spoilers da história, mesmo o jogo sendo de 20 anos atrás, eu acho que todo mundo deveria joga-lo e aproveitar o máximo que esse jogo tem pra oferecer. Inclusive, a enhanced edition é maravilhosa e tiro meu chapéu pros fãs que se esforçaram pra deixar esse jogo o mais polido e otimazado o máximo que conseguiram, definitivamente, até o momento, é a versão definitiva do SH2.