Reviews from

in the past

Não vale apena o jogo literalmente você faz a mesma coisa o tempo todo, as habilidades são sem graça, acho que a melhor descrição para o jogo é sem sal

*The game is literally not worth it, you literally do the same thing all the time, the skills are boring, I think the best description for the game is boring(Google translation)

faça a mesma coisa 10000000x

it was better when we were all stuck inside during the pandemic. without your buddies it's pretty mid

Not a bad looter shooter, unfortunately or fortunately, I didn’t play the first part, but this game leaves a “so-so” aftertaste meh. But on the other hand, the visual component and the mechanics themselves work quite well, it’s pleasant to shoot, the plot is passable, the main character(s) fight against an entire army of mercenaries and survive.

Неплохой лутершутер, к сожалению или к счастью, в первую часть не играл, но эта игра оставляет "так себе" послевкусие meh. Но с другой стороны, визуальная составляющая и сама механика работает достаточно неплохо, стрелять приятно, сюжет проходной, главный герой(герои) сражаются против целой армии наемников и выживают.

definitivamente uma grande evolução pra franquia, que precisava, muito mais consistente e balanceado que o primeiro com uma tonelada de conteúdo extra, um ótimo TPS tático.

Just one of those great drunk multiplayer games

i dedicated more hours to this than im proud to admit lol

Division 2 was a amazing co op game that I would only recommend if you have friends to play it with. Playing by yourself your not going to have much of a good time.

Positive's are that the world and graphics in this game were beautiful and it truly felt I was in a world that had gone to shit. The gunplay is also nice and responsive and is a great looter shooter and the dlc story I would definitely recommend as it adds so much content to this game and I managed to pick the ultimate edition for about 9 pound which was a absolute steal as there is so many things to do even after completing the main story so its well worth the money as the side stuff felt a lot more fun to do then the division 1 side missions however I preferred the main missions in division 1 although they still aren't bad here.

Negatives are the story for the main game is awful and the division 1 story is much better. A lot of the missions can also feel like you are doing similar objectives and as I mentioned at the start do not even bother playing this by yourself as the main pro about the game is playing with friends as the story wont engage you and while the gameplay is fun its much better when you're just talking and casually going through the games story.

Overall I would definitely recommend if you have friends to play with if not definitely steer clear of this one.

When I first tried the beta for this, I had no interest in the game having played the first one extensively and enjoying it. Decided to play this recently after many years of not playing the Division and it's a very solid game as someone who finished the base game on solo.

The story is extremely bland whereas the first one was a lot better, however I played the game as more of a straight looter shooter while not being interested in the lore.

There seems to be a lot of build diversity and while I do prefer the darker and more post-apocalyptic vibes from the first game, this game still looks great. It's a solid game if you don't care about anything but shooting, getting loot and min-maxing your character's build.

Frenético y futurista pero algo monótono, es divertido con amigos, y solo también puede funcionar

I was so disappointed by this when it came out that i didnt even bother to buy it, but in hindsight, i dont know how i ever came to that conclusion. i havent even gotten close to beating it cause i dont have any friends to play it with, but i already can tell that every aspect of the game is better than D1. hope to get through it some day with a squad

Як на мене це кращій лутер-шутер після Borderlands 2. Особливо сподобався ганплей та різноманіття гаджетів, та у постгеймі дають нові цікаві ультимативні волини. Головний мінус гри, як на мене, це сюжет (як і у багатьох іграх Ubisoft). Він ніякий. При тому що лор та сетінг доволі непогані. Хоча атмосферою до першої частини все ж не дотягує. Із задоволенням перепройшов гру, планую згодом пройти і доповнення.

My friends play this for years for hundreds of hours they have played this game and I watch them play and it's the exact same thing over and over again of like cover shooting and they never equip new gear or use different weapons or get new abilities or anything like its genuinely just infinite cover shooter slop I have no clue how you could enjoy this but I keep on wanting to try it so I can chill brah with the homies yknoe

Backlogged before because i had no one to play it with but now i do :>

My brain melted after the first one and I forgot there was a sequel

I loved playing this game with a friend

Un excelente juego shooter de mundo abierto con muy buena mecánica y retos gratificantes

Became too difficult to co-op due to the gear micromanagement and conflicting schedules and play time. Permanently shelved as a result.

-Görevler çok tekrara düşüyor, iyi bir hikaye sunumu yok, raidler az ve kısa.

Tom Clancy's The Division 2, launched in 2019, earns a 2/5 rating. Although it has the potential to be an engaging online shooter, the game falls short in terms of storytelling, repetitive gameplay, and other issues that detract from the overall experience. While it boasts solid graphics and gunplay, it struggles to captivate players due to its lackluster execution and design choices.

Overall, I recommend The Division 2 to fans of looter shooters and tactical third-person shooters. It is a well-made game with a lot of content to offer.

Here are some of the things I liked and disliked about the game:


Gameplay: The Division 2's gameplay is very satisfying. The gunplay is tight and responsive, and the cover-based mechanics feel great. The game also features a variety of different weapons and gadgets to experiment with, which keeps the gameplay fresh.
Endgame: The Division 2 has a lot of endgame content to offer, including challenging missions, raids, and PvP modes. This gives players something to work towards even after they have completed the main story campaign.
Graphics and atmosphere: The Division 2 is a beautiful game with a great atmosphere. The environments are well-detailed and immersive, and the game's lighting and weather effects are top-notch.

Story: The Division 2's story is a bit cliché and forgettable. It doesn't do much to stand out from other post-apocalyptic stories.
Grind: The Division 2 can be quite grindy at times, especially when it comes to farming for high-end gear. This can be frustrating for some players.
Bugs: The Division 2 launched with a number of bugs, some of which were quite game-breaking. However, Ubisoft has been relatively good about fixing the bugs over time.

Hey gamers

Finally got the platinum trophies for The Division 1 & 2 today after avoiding all the PVP and co-op trophies for years.

I enjoy this game so much. I find that it just nails the atmosphere and the combat gameplay loop. It’s quite repetitive, but I actually enjoy repetition and grind in games as long as the gameplay loop is fun. Plus, The Division 2 manages to stay fresh with each new update by including subtle additions to the game. By the time I have the urge to play it again, it’s moved onto a new season which includes new missions, rewards, goals, mechanics, and, occasionally, a new game mode. It’s also a significant improvement over its predecessor – I put 476 hours into the first game across 5 characters, meanwhile I’ve put more time than that into this game with just one character.

I don’t like everything about the game. Conflict always ends in a steamroll, and the Dark Zone is somehow worse than the first game. I never touched these two outside of trophy and collectible purposes. The storytelling is just so bad, but I don’t play it for that, and the collectibles more than make up for it for me. The community feels cold and reluctant.

I’m going to go on a rant about my community experience from within the past few days because getting these platinum trophies has been a nightmare. On both games, I had one trophy left for their respective platinum, and they were both killing rogue agents in the Dark Zone. I am awful at PVP, and I could not get these trophies on my own no matter how hard I tried. This is because PVP in the Dark Zone, especially in the second game, caters to trolls who group up to bully everyone else, which already made me resentful of The Division’s community in the first place. As such, people who prefer to play solo, like me, get shredded within seconds when they try to hunt down rogue agents. I don’t have any friends who play this game, so I couldn’t rely on that option. So, I decided to look for help. First, I asked for tips to kill rogue agents, then I ended up asking for people to boost the trophy for me. What followed was an annoying journey of being bounced from community to community asking for help. I would ask politely, even offering to return the favour in some cases, and every time I did, I would be met with either crickets, someone suggesting me to ask a different community, or a moderator deleting my question. Not one person reached out to assist me. I spent DAYS looking for someone to help me, but I could not find anybody. I would be met with responses of “Just ask [insert community], lots of people there will help you” or “You’re better off asking [insert community]”, even though someone said that THIS community is full of people around to help me. Mind you, these were trophies that would take 5-10 minutes to complete when boosting, so it’s not like I was making that big of a request. The more I asked and the more I was sent from forum to forum or server to server, the more disdainful I grew of The Division’s community and the more it felt like I was a vagrant or an outsider being pushed away. It wasn’t until someone finally responded to a post I made on a Reddit page, a whole 3 days after my search began, that I finally got the help I needed (If you’re reading this, I cannot thank you enough. I also got a message from a booster volunteer around the same time, but I wasn’t notified of it until after I got the trophies; I thank you as well). It made me sad and bitter to have to go through all of that after finding out the claims of “If you need a friend, you’ll find plenty of people in our community willing to help” and "Oh yeah, people will boost it no problem" were fabricated. I can’t even buy the excuse of “The Division’s community is small/dead right now” because if you compare this community to that of The Lord of the Rings Online or Guitar Hero / Rock Band / Clone Hero, all of which are smaller than The Division, it reinforces why I’m a solo player for The Division to begin with, even though the grind is far longer and far more difficult. From first-hand experience, LotRO and GH/RB/CH are full of people who are kind, welcoming, congratulatory, and who will rush to your aid if you need help or have questions. The Division, in my experience, is not - though your mileage may vary.

I had to get that out of my system. I’ll probably put this game away for a while after getting level 100 for this season, because going through that whole endeavour discouraged me and burned me out like you wouldn’t believe. Crazy how one annoying element can turn you off from one of your favourite games of all time. I just hope that this comes across as an encouragement for everyone to be willing to help others, not just in community-based video games, but in their everyday life. We need more of this, now more than ever.

By the far the best looter-shooter game on the market, lots of content a decent story and amazing controls/combat. Well worth the commitment and time.